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Evangelicals Build and Burn a Straw Man on the Silver Screen

Marine to McCain: I would have you arrested for treason

Gambit: Another Useless X-Man Gets Fired

arekin says...

Gambit is hardly the most useless person to grace an x-team, neither is Jubilee, that honor goes to Skin. Gambit at least has hyper agility and is never without something to charge (even if he isn't able to throw it).

Alternative To Obamacare

Guy gets screwed out of 1 million $ on Wheel of Fortune.

arekin says...

I would say reasonable requests should be made, but still within the rules. It this case it sounds like the guy rushed his answer in his excitement and that's what caused the problem. Even with a speech Impediment or stammer you can usually make a clear statement if you speak slowly and deliberately.

Jinx said:

What if they have a speech impediment or a stammer?

Guy gets screwed out of 1 million $ on Wheel of Fortune.

arekin says...

I would agree if winning the puzzle meant he won a million, it doesnt, he has to win the puzzle to get the chance to spin for a million on the final wheel if he goes to that round, not hit a bankruptcy, and then solve the final puzzle, its not likely to happen. This would hardly make sense for them to screw him on those grounds.

He botched this one bad, and had it been worse and he said the complete wrong word should they give it to him because its already revealed? If that's the case why not just have them win when the last letter is revealed? No, I'm with them on this, if he had just botched curio, id have said "ehh ok, screwed" but honestly if you cant say corner, you deserve to lose.

VoodooV said:

Generally, I would agree with you, but not in this context and not to this degree. Every region in American has their own little dialect and is commonly accepted.

The point of the game is to figure out what the phrase is. The parts of the phrase he supposedly mis-pronounced were already revealed so it's not an issue of him trying to "guess" his way through the game.

same with the southern woman. The G she dropped in swimming was already revealed on the board, so to harp on that particular part of the word was bullshit. gee she said "swimmin'" what other word could she have possibly meant?

had the contestants been trying to mumble their way through some part of the phrase that hadn't been revealed, I would be on WoF's side, but that clearly is not the case.

It was a dick move on their part, probably motivated by not wanting to award prize money. end of story.

What's next? They going to screw over someone with a heavy Boston accent? I guess they screen out anyone with a foreign accent if they are that anal about pronunciation. Guess Joe Pesci won't ever be a celebrity contestant.

Guy gets screwed out of 1 million $ on Wheel of Fortune.

arekin says...

To be fair pronunciation does matter, otherwise people could see a gap of letters, not know what the words is and slosh some syllables over the missing parts claiming dialect or some such shit. What he said sounded like pure garbage to me.

Going to the Doctor in America

arekin says...

Typically we associate those people with those who ignore easily available common knowledge and subscribe to self imposed ignorance for the sake of maintaining their fragile world view. Their is nothing noble about going against established conventional wisdom, often it just makes you look like an idiot.

chingalera said:

@Sniper007 Quite the road less-traveled pardner but worthy of the task you've set before yourself. Ruperts' a maverick, snake-oil tinctured with hard science, faith fueled by invisible cosmic forces and brass balls. He used to be a regular on the old Art Bell Flour Hour-

He apparently, has been asked by the TED talk's cabal short of a recant, to please, "never come back," which is here on the Videosift, what you are being presented with in the realms of "health"and.....ahem, "science" by the armchair enthusiasts who fancy themselves experts on all subjects above mundane. You are now in the company of the marginally successful Disrupticons of the site whose ulterior M.O. is that of "Ointment Fly."

I commend and salute you, noble sir!

McCain & U.S. Government Called Treasonous at Townhall

arekin says...

Really, you think that the average person is under LESS propaganda than a congressman? I want to live in your world, were fox news tells truths and candy rains down from the sky.

Yogi said:

I would say the average person knows more than people in politics because they're not the ones under the most propaganda.

McCain & U.S. Government Called Treasonous at Townhall

arekin says...

I'm noticing a trend in the country that seems to go like this.
1. Disagree with person in power.
2. Think that Person in power is to serve only your interests.
3. Ask that person in power be removed from power and replaced with someone who has only your personal interests in mind.
4. Repeat.

This is stupid, not one of these people actually have any idea what the government knows about what is going on in Syria but they want to play armchair politics and claim that an elected official is guilty of treason? This is not like cosmovitelli said, a case of yelling at the concierge for finding a dead body in your closet; this is like yelling at the concierge because someone told you that if you went to that hotel you would likely have a dead body in your closet.

Sadly, I take some joy in knowing that this is a direct result of the past two election cycles. People have been trained that compromise is horrible in politics and the only way to move forward is if everyone agrees 100% with what you personally want. Let Mccain deal with the monster he helped create, the one Palin and Fox news continues to feed.

Going to the Doctor in America

arekin says...

This is officially the most stupid thing i have read today. This implies a world with no disease, genetic predisposition, or accidents.

Not all diabetes is preventable and a lot is not simply curable with diet. Type one for example is a child onset genetic autoimmune disorder that prevents your body from producing enough insulin. Untreated by doctors it is fatal no matter what your diet is. Some type 2 diabetes is preventable, but even when it is, if you don't catch it before it onsets and you develop that insulin resistance you may remain insulin resistant for life and always require medication. Also a diabetic diet is not a "simple dietary change". The american diet is a carb rich diet that makes monitoring blood sugar to be a constant uphill battle. There is no simple fix for diabetes.

Also, you are exactly the type of patient doctors hate. You haven take no preventive actions to ensure that you remain healthy (such as a yearly physical) and when a doctor does see you roll into the emergency room because you think you're dying, he is now taking extreme measures to get you healthy again. With your lack of insurance, hes pretty certain he will not be paid for it.

Sniper007 said:

I've never had health insurance for the entire 32 years of my life. I've never had any problems receiving or paying for necessary treatments.

Then again, I never go to the doctors for white butt hair. I literally only go there if I believe I'm going to die and I can't think of anywhere else to go.

The problem with Americans is they believe the doctors (or someone else) are perpetually responsible for their health and continually ignore all factors (diet, thought patterns, excercise, and more) which are in fact the items that make or break their health. All diabetes is 100% curable, for example, with simple dietary changes.

Bradley Manning's apology, reminiscient of Soviet show trial

arekin says...

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Let him make a statement and be accused of forcing it, don't let him make a statement and be accused of silencing him.

radx said:

"Ah, Soviet Justice! The accused falls to the ground, weeping at the horror of his crime against the state, flagellating himself for having the termerity to defy the will of the Great Leader and begging forgiveness before being sentenced to the Gulag for Anti-Soviet Agitation!

With any luck, historians fifty years later can determine if he was actually guilty of anything." -- Comment @ Guardian

Section 8 Rental - What a sad and upsetting experience

arekin says...

To be fair, that is called a bad tenant, not a bad program. Section 8 aids a lot of people with disabilities and our aging people on social security, and the majority of them are good tenants. Now having helped paint the campus area housing for the city in which I live, I can say that college students paying $1200 a month out of pocket managed to flood a basement with 5 feet of water without any obvious leaks in the home, presumably by running a hose into the basement and deliberately flooding it.

Moral here is that bad people do bad things.

New video of Michael Hastings' crash (26 seconds)

What Bears Do in the Woods

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