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A Bear and a Monkey Race on Bicycles - Then Bear eats Monkey

Is California Becoming A Police State?

Is California Becoming A Police State?

Velocity5 says...

@dalumberjack said: "I really wish we were appreciated like firemen or military but I know we never will be."

People who have their lives together appreciate cops as much as or more than firemen or military.

My leftist friends complain about how often they get robbed in our city with far-left laws, so even if they claim to dislike the enforcement of law, their actions speak otherwise.

Scary Irish Road Safety Ad

Velocity5 says...

That's a good point that people will tend to forget.

But the unexpected event could just as easily be the driver's tire popping, or a kid running out in the street, or another driver doing something unexpected.

So the lesson is still to err on the safe side.

RadHazG said:

My father tried to drill into me pretty early that should some small animal run out into the road, reckless swerving is way more dangerous than just hitting it. Cruel, but on a scale, what's a this dogs life compared to everything else? By all appearances he was passing legally, unless the other car was going way way over the limit as well.

Is California Becoming A Police State?

Velocity5 says...

It takes an IQ of maybe 60 to understand that if you disagree with a cop, you can file a complaint after the fact, not while he has a weapon pointed at you and he's not sure whether or not you're armed.

Ever see a joint THIS big??

Velocity5 says...

Yes, really. Students would be better using college to build a good career, rather than using drugs.

Have some compassion for all these students who are going to go nowhere with their lives just because they thought wasting their time in college was ok.

eric3579 said:


Ever see a joint THIS big??

Velocity5 says...

CaptainPlanet said: "Ignorant."

Are you sure the word "ignorant" means what you think it means?

I'm sure you're aware that Asian-Americans have higher average IQs and educational attainment than other cultural groups.

So I'm not sure if you're trying to argue that's not true, or you just want people to not talk about it and remain in ignorance.

CaptainPlanet said: "Racist."

I'm the one arguing other cultures should try to be as successful as Asian-American culture, instead of frying their brains with drugs

CaptainPlanet said:


Ever see a joint THIS big??

Velocity5 says...

These retarded people paid $50,000 and wasted 4 years just to party and get high?

Look at how Asian-Americans do anything, and know that it's probably better than how non-Asian-Americans do whatever it is.

In this case, that means study instead of destroying your mind with drugs.

Dove Real Beauty Sketches - Men

Velocity5 says...

This was an obvious idea for a video, but they somehow managed to screw it up anyway.

This video was begging to have guys who look like Zach Galifianakis, unshaven and wearing dirty clothes... but the video creators completely miss the joke and instead somehow cast guys who look like they just got out of a Gap commercial.

Man of Steel Trailer #3

Jim Carrey takes on Gun Control, as only he can

Velocity5 says...

Ha, is anybody in this thread self-aware enough to observe that liberals are unable to debate intellectually, rather than using constant insults?

Let's list them:
1. Somebody who dares to express different opinions must have a small penis.
2. He/she is also a troll.
3. He/she is also an asshole.

That's a lot of ire just for diversity of opinion.

This is what you're not realizing:

1. If you completely remove rural gun-owners from the society, the average crime rates don't go down.

2. So if you want to reduce crime rates, instead of making false accusations of rural gun-owners (untruths are bad), focus on the communities that cause the crime rates (urban youth and gang culture).

mentality said:

Yeah, it's the liberal values that teaches them to engage in illegal gang related activity. Just like how since most southern slave owners were conservatives, your values caused slavery, you asshole. (just joking).

Also, I call bullshit on your assertion that urban youth gangs have liberal values. I'd say that poorly educated low socio-economic status youths from religiously inclined minorities like hispanics are demographically more conservative, if they bothered to have any political preference at all in the first place. Lets see some proof.

Jim Carrey takes on Gun Control, as only he can

Velocity5 says...

@Deano and @Stormsinger:
"Liberal street gangs and urban youth" refers to the portion of gangs and urban youth who have liberal values (nearly all gangs and urban youth). Those gangs and urban youth are the source of most violent crime, so your thesis that violent crime is due to rural gun-owners is inconsistent with the data.

@EMPIRE and @Fletch:
Your response is that because I have different opinions than you and I'm willing speak against the mainstream, I'm a "troll." That definitely proves me wrong that liberals tend to be closed-minded conformists who punish intellectual diversity

Jim Carrey takes on Gun Control, as only he can

Velocity5 says...

@EMPIRE said: "As opposed to conservatives who see sex and gays everywhere?"

Responding to criticism with "but conservatives are just as bad as liberals" doesn't seem like enlightened liberalism.

I haven't advocated conservativism. I'm simply someone who was a liberal until I grew up and realized there's an entire intellectual world that liberals don't know they're not aware of. And they'll fight to keep that way.

@Fletch @Deano:

It sounds like intellectual dishonesties don't bother you guys, as long as you're entertained.

"Let's just lie and say people with different opinions than ourselves are the source of our high violent crime rates."

Jim Carrey takes on Gun Control, as only he can

Velocity5 says...

BTW, liberals don't seem self-aware of how obsessed with penis size they are.

They bring it into discussions about everything, as if in liberal heaven, they'd all be sucking dicks constantly.

(I trust liberals will approve of this comment, seeing how they approve of the video.)

Jim Carrey takes on Gun Control, as only he can

Velocity5 says...

It's good to see Jim Carrey speaking out in ways other than his normal advocating against vaccines and getting kids killed.

Unfortunately, the rural people he's making fun of have little to do with the US's high rate of violent crime, which is mostly due to liberal street gangs and liberal urban youth.

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