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Worst Twerk Fail EVER - Girl Catches Fire!

Velocity5 says...

When people are doing a handstand and they fall over, isn't their natural instinct to collapse their arms, so they go into a roll?

That's particularly true when we know we're surrounded by glass tables.

She keeps her arms completely straight, so that she'd fall flat, straight onto the table (assuming it's not shopped in).

(This just adds one more unlikely variable that'd have to happen in order for this to occur in real life.

sanderbos said:

So now I've read some more comments here and also on youtube on the video.
I stand by what I said in the second comment (also: only one video on the account, no info on the aftermath in the description, weird cut off moment of the video, candles on even though there is sunlight on the wall).

Having said all that, it is a puzzle, and I am not an authority on either fake videos or house fires. I mean, I was pointing out that I thought it was an *incredibly* good fake, so then it is not easy to detect it is fake (see e.g. for a very bad fake incl. analysis).

Slow Motion Video Booth

Velocity5 says...

It seems like a more likely explanation than "racism" is HBD (human bio-diversity).

Far fewer Asian male / White female pairings are expected merely based on that the bell curve of heights for Whites is farther to the right than the bell curve of heights for Asians.

In other words, in 500 years, regardless of how much politically correct self-flagellating has occurred, the ratio of Asian male / White female pairings will not have increased, because the HBD bell curves will have stayed the same.

Many ethnic patterns will only change once we start editing our babies' genomes in a few decades. Then wait 30 years for those babies to reach age 30. Liberals and Conservatives will both oppose it for the first 50 years, and then will support it afterwards.

blankfist said:

Good to see the Asian men pulling the white girl trim. Such a rare thing.

/hilarious yet true racism

What If You Stopped Going Outside?

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

Velocity5 says...

@Buck said: "We should close factory farms and teach people how to hunt again."

Hunting can't scale to support a larger population than a hunter-gatherer tribe. So the cost of meat would skyrocket because demand stays high, and supply can't increase.

Meat costing $75 per pound instead of $5 per pound would be a huge reduction in quality of life for everybody.

That's why humans left hunter-gatherer lifestyles in the first place.

The answer will probably end up being the vat-grown meat Silicon Valley is working on now. It will be the health equivalent of organic and free range meat, since it's not fed pesticide food, antibiotics, etc.

Guy films juvenile kestrel in the backyard when suddenly...

Ann Coulter: Muslim Women Should be Imprisoned For Hijab!

Velocity5 says...

Islam is definitively associated with cliterectomies (Shafi law, the hadiths, etc). (NSFW medical photos.)

For example, in Egypt, 95% of married women have been subject to genital mutilation.

I guess on some issues, Coulter isn't as ignorant as ourselves

Chechnya surely has lower rates, but:
1. Chechnya still has primitive, violent attitudes toward women ("honor" killings).
2. Coulter is talking about Islamic culture in general, the same way the Boston bombings were intended to be on behalf of Islam in general, rather than on behalf of Chechnya alone.

Work to decrease stats like the 95% in Egypt, rather than pretending associations don't exist

shatterdrose said:

A cliterectomy?? Really Ann? You're thinking of the wrong culture there . .

Skater punched by kid's mom

Velocity5 says...

A kid running into the path of a moving object should be glad it wasn't a bicyclist or car.

The skater wrongly assumed she had the same cultural assumptions as himself.

He should have had his guard up early on... use the skateboard to block. She only attacked because she could see he wasn't prepared.

Crocodile show goes wrong AGAIN !!!!

Velocity5 says...

@mxxcon @artician

A lot of people in life have to take what jobs are available to them. So I don't blame the workers.

But I do blame the tourists who are creating the demand... wanting to pay money to waste their time watching these things.

(Young people in Thailand should learn a technical trade, like programming.)

Best Reaction Ever to a Magic Trick

Joe Scarborough is Eloquent & Angry about Trayvon

Velocity5 says...

Wow, I hadn't read a lot of that, like about Trayvon's autopsy report.

We all started on Trayvon's side because the initial journalism was just printing whatever his parents' lawyers told them to print, including photos of him as a 12 year-old.

But we had to change our positions once more facts came to light.

Thanks for the link

lantern53 said:


Joe Scarborough is Eloquent & Angry about Trayvon

Velocity5 says...


"The talk" that White, Latino, and Asian parents have with their children goes like this:

1. 90% of violent interracial crime involves a Black perpetrator and a White victim... but nobody cares.

2. Black teenagers die 1000% more from fellow Blacks than from Whites... but nobody cares.

Liberals think the above stats are reversed. That misunderstanding of the statistics is why their arguments on race tend to emphasize base emotion (the "reptile brain") instead of data and thoughtfulness (the neocortex).

(If any of that data is wrong, please let me know.)

Your vagina is US Govt property & will be searched randomly.

Velocity5 says...

Journalists like to make Marissa Alexander look innocent so they can get more click-throughs, but you can find a summary here, and scroll down to read the actual court documents that journalists are ignoring.

She knew she was guilty and that she was risking being sentenced under mandatory sentencing laws, but she still refused to take the plea deal for 3 years.

That being said, there does seem to be wide agreement that this isn't the intended type of case for these mandatory sentencing laws, and perhaps changes will result from that.

People who actually live in Greece would kill to have the opportunities people in the US have... even if they don't take advantage of them.

And there is the same as here; you can't shoot at people, narrowly missing them, in order to win an argument, and then go assault them again once you're out on bail.

JustSaying said:

Well, it's certainly better than living in a country where you get twenty years for firing warning shots. Shit, even living in Greece is better than the US, at least people there know how useless their government is and how much they're fucked right now.

Your vagina is US Govt property & will be searched randomly.

One Thing Trayvon's Girlfriend Wished She'd Said at Trial

Velocity5 says...

"Is there any last thing you'd like to say... perhaps wish for world peace, or refute the completely inaccurate stereotypes about you and your boyfriend?

[Jeantel:] "'Nigga.' People should use that word more often."

"I see. Well hopefully we can get that added to the Oxford English Dictionary, and we'll have done our part to accelerate the decline of civilization. Thank you for watching."

Why People Should Be Outraged at Zimmerman's 'Not Guilty'

Velocity5 says...

It's legal to shoot someone who's in the middle of trying to kill you.

That applies even when that person is only armed with lethal fists and lethal concrete.

ChaosEngine said:

That would be the one where he shot an unarmed man.

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