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TYT:Cop Arrested for Speeding by Highway Patrol

Impossible Videogame Freakout

Sgt. Shamar Thomas on Countdown 10-17-2011

Moment of truth on msnbc - Take money out of politics OWS

ToastyBuffoon says...

Unnecessary dramatic music aside, THIS is and should be the #1 focus with OWS. This country is being purposely torn apart through much of the media, leading the true victims into bickering and fighting with each other over your supposed "political beliefs" as the wealthy just sit back and laugh all the way to these corrupt banks. It sickens me to see what our government has become.

Hank Williams Jr. Compares Obama to Hitler

A Civil Rights Attorney's Take on Wall Street Protest

ToastyBuffoon jokingly says...

"Hi, I'm an attorney here to solicit these fine citizens to gain free advertising through media attention and thus make a lot of money. Any impression that I leave with you feeling that I care about your rights as a US citizen is purely coincidental."

Zero Punctuation: Dead Island

ToastyBuffoon says...

I am thoroughly enjoying the game as well. I get the feeling that he sometimes looks at a game with "reviewer" eyes instead of just taking the time to try to enjoy it (if that makes sense to anyone). He readily admitted to just trying to rush through the main campaign instead of doing some of the side quests as well, and those can sometimes net you some of the cooler things in the game like new blueprints for combining weapons.

The only real complaint I have with the game is the rapid degradation of the weapons. I'm fine with having to repair them, but I'd like to hit more than a mere 10 zombies before I need to switch or repair them.

With all the negativity this guy spews in most of his "reviews", I wonder if he forgot how to have fun.

Changing Faces With a Smile

MSNBC Republican Debate In 45 Seconds

Rick Perry: Economic Crisis is OK, Because It Is God's Will

Jedi Kittens

Adultcon (porn convention) *NSFW*

First World Problems - Netflix Relief Fund

A Powerful Short Film in Six Lines and Three Minutes

ToastyBuffoon says...

Wow, THAT was awesome. It takes a pretty good film maker in my opinion to make you feel for the characters in such a short amount of time. Hollywood makes films that are 2+ hours that don't pack half the punch that this does. Bravo.

Two babies being saved from a hot, locked car

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