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Scene from Fifth Element with only music score

Tiver says...

I wish I could double or triple upvote this. One of my favorite movies, and these scenes along with the score was one of my favorite parts. Highly appreciate being able to watch it with score only. Definitely should be a special feature on most DVDs.

Out Of This World Last Level and Ending

Osama Bin Laden Auditions

Steve Jobs: "It's pretty awesome when it works"

Tiver says...

I love how they handle these, so much more elegant than you see in some presentations. I'm no fan of macs but I don't really see this as ammunition against them.

One Very Strange Cat

Tiver says...

The position the cat in wasn't unusual, certainly looks odd but eh my cats do it occasionally. The only thing strange about the cat was the fact it kept staring straight forward. My cats only stare when on the hunt for prey and they usually don't do such in that kind of position... Also if i block their view they look at me kind of pissed.

Librarian with "McCain=Bush" Sign Charged with Tresspassing

Tiver says...

I couldn't help but laugh at the very end when in the background some guy in a weird green suit is walking up with 2 pictures on it. 1 of mccain's face and the other of bush's face.

Sudden Tornado While Driving

The New Rulers Of The World: The True Costs of Globalization

Your future with $10 per gallon gas!!

Boarding a train that does not need to stop to pick you up

Full Version: Hitchens and Boteach Debate on God

The Chaser's War on Everything: airport security challenge

A Really Really Really Big Storm

Tiver says...

>> ^CrushBug:
What got me was the boat that the guy was filming on. Was pretty damn close to this boat.

Considering the guy filming it didn't seem to be tossed around by the waves, I'm thinking he was on land.

Anyone know why that boat was so close to shore? I thought it was usually safer to ride out storms like that away from the coast.

Diablo 3 Teaser Cinematic

Diablo 3 Teaser Cinematic

Tiver says...

>> ^Aemaeth:
Funny, they weren't supposed to announce it till tomorrow. Guess someone got anxious....

According to who? They announced it at '2008 Blizzard Entertainment® Worldwide Invitational' in Paris earlier today, showing this plus a 19 minute long gameplay video with developer commentary.

Announcing it at an event like that hardly seems like someone releasing it a day early.

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