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Trigger Happy TV - Giant Rat

Weekly Achievements for 28Dec08 thru 03Jan09 (Blog Entry by siftbot)

Base Jumping (Visually Stunning)

Thylan says...

>> ^shveddy:
Everyone who sees this should feel compelled to sign up for skydiving classes.

I did a tandem freefall 10yrs ago. i had always wanted to. it was great. i jumped with a friend who did it often and had his own shute. he became a base jumper, pushing things more and more. he passed away last year. his shute didnt open. I dont know if he would have had any regrets.

*DupeOf for Gold-100s (Sift Talk Post)

Bowling - When Celebrations Go Wrong

Lady gets too excited after getting a strike

Rasch187 hits 500; how does it feel? (Art Talk Post)

Attenborough - How do Spiders Spin their Webs?

How To Fake An Orgasm (2:33)

Agile French Freestyle Slalom Skater

VS New Years Party Thread. (Happy Talk Post)

The sanctity of life? (Philosophy Talk Post)

Thylan says...

I dont mean this to digress the discussion, but:

Google search Def
Dictionary Def

These discussions can become word games, because there is so much meaning tied up in each word, and we are trying to discuss the ideas behind the words. in my case, I no longer hold with "God" as a concept (I used to. I was a Christian for 25yrs, born again, all of it). So I don't believe in sacred. so I don't believe in holiness. so I don't believe in sanctity. Now looking at:

the quality of something considered so holy or important it must be respected totally

I dont consider it possible for something to BE holy, so i cant have its holiness be a reason for "Total respect".

Others may have similar views on here, just as others will utterly disagree, and others think im being a dick.

But i dont think I am being. Would the phrase:

"The Total Respect for Human Life"
be exactly equivalent to "the sanctity of life" for you? I'm guessing that for at least some, it wouldn't, because the religious aspect is not separable, and is deeply important for them. its sacred because the bible tells them so, and that makes it sacred, and you cant argue with that. full stop. no discussion.

But if you don't have sacred, and have "total respect" or something else equivalent, you're already at a very different starting point/idea place, from which to consider this ethically.

Don't mess with a pregnant lady. (Blog Entry by UsesProzac)

Fermi Paradox and Keanu Reeves (Blog Entry by dag)

Topless skydiving.....and washing machines...

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