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What Are Your Top 5 Books? (Books Talk Post)

Thylan says...

I find this hard as i read so much, and dont consider books "good" in the general sence of others liking them and worthy of recomendation. which is odd considering how many things mentioned i like.

Anyway, basing this on books that have been profund reading moments, id say:

Dune series.

Robin Hobbs 3 trilogies involving the fool and Fitz.

Origin by stephen baxter.

Day after tomorrow and Stranger in a strange land by RH (MiaHM and ST both great too)

Loan wolf and Cub 1-28

The ender series is good, as is Weal of time, and alvin maker.

Sword of shanonara i expected to like but was utterly dire. didnt get past about 1st 100 oages of book 1. ugh.

Deadhouse gates is on my shelves to read.

HHGttG is too depressed. Which i understand is herasy.

peter F hamilton is great, adn i like john meaney too.

the dark tower had its moments. but im unsure about where its going and ahevnt finished it yet.

Ian m banks is interesting.

At some point i might list my favs of the clasic SF era, discounting all the RH i have.

In KOMMIE Russia, bronze diamond gets you! (Food Talk Post)

Breaking! There might be LIFE ON MARS (farting microbes)

US Military warns of possible sudden collapse of Mexico (Military Talk Post)

Thylan says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
and just think, everyone here on LiberalSift wants to give blanket immunity to illegal immigrants, we're all doomed

and just think, some of the religious right actively want to hasten the apocalypse. we're all doomed.

oh wait, he lost power.

How Do You Pronounce Your Screenname? (Howto Talk Post)

Animaniacs Sneak One By The Censors

Jon Stewart Schools Obama In Press Management

Thylan says...

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:
>> ^Deano:
Ah I see what they're going to do now - just recycle those old Bush clips...

Yup, A president with style that actually does his job and doesnt make an ass of himself on every public opportunity, these are some tough times ahead of us, especially for the Daily Show, they may have to start actually writing jokes now, instead of just stealing all their stuff from Bush.

or playing bush unedited and saying "what he said"

Sarah palin was best parodied by someone who appeared to truly be her, just in a way that made you almost forget it was a parody, and how disturbing that fact was.

NASA to Announce Life On Mars @ 2PM EST?? (Science Talk Post)

Thylan says...

Large quantities of methane gas have been detected on Mars, Nasa scientists have announced in Science journal.

The gas could be produced either by geological activity or by life.

Methane was detected in the Martian atmosphere five years ago; scientists have found it is more abundant over particular parts of the planet.

It should last for only a short time in the atmosphere until it is destroyed by sunlight, and so its continued presence means it is being replenished.

This suggests the methane is made by an ongoing process.

NASA to Announce Life On Mars @ 2PM EST?? (Science Talk Post)

Money Stuff (Blog Entry by dag)

lucky760 (Member Profile)

Thylan says...

you know top right, theres a "next panel" link thingy. well.. usualy i press it cos what i actualy want is to "go back" to the one that was there before. so i press it and press it till it loops. except it dosent loop it eventually kinda breaks with a please wait.

lucky760 (Member Profile)

NoPants Day - Subway Ride 2009

The Prisoner - documentary about a groundbreaking TV series

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