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Amazing Airplane Crash - Prevented!

TerraKhan says...

No, you are right - the glide ratio on a light plane like that is quite good and I would have enjoyed the video more if he had relied on piloting skill to set the airplane back down on the runway rather than... AAAHHHHH!!!!!! MUST PULL PARACHUTE!!!!!

Engine out landings are a skill that is required in order to earn a pilot's license and should be frequently practiced afterward along with other basic skills such as stall recovery, spin recovery, dead reckoning, etc. After all, you never know when an emergency situation might develop.

Amazing Airplane Crash - Prevented!

TerraKhan says...

I agree with Imperiousdesigns, it appeared that he had ample time and plenty of options for landing the plane... including the RUNWAY in front of him. While a parachute may save lives it can also be a crutch that is relied on instead of proper flight technique. GPS can get in the way of being proficient at proper navigation skills, for instance.

Oh well... at least nobody was hurt.

Amazing Airplane Crash - Prevented!

TerraKhan says...

Aside from which plane is on the right, the tow-plane has the right of way by virtue of the fact that it was towing another aircraft. An aircraft towing an object is usually operating much closer to the edge of its performance envelope than a normal, powered aircraft which gives it the right of way. From the evidence presented in the video, it does appear that the pilot that crashed was at fault.

Rights-of-way are as follows: aircraft in an emergency, balloon, glider, airship, tow plane, heavier-than-air powered aircraft.

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TerraKhan says...

It could very easily have been a JDAM - the JDAM is simply a guidance package that attaches to a wide variety of ordnance (including the BLU-109 "bunker buster") in order to allow for GPS guidance as opposed to laser guidance. I am also not convinced that it was a bunker buster, the crater you mentioned is easily created with a standard Mk84 bomb, regardless of guidance package used. A hard target penetrator bomb (bunker buster) won't necessarily leave a larger crater than a standard bomb, but is designed to penetrate more deeply into a hardened target, such as a concrete bunker, before exploding.

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TerraKhan says...

The distance is more a function of mass, than of radius. The heavy machinery tire would have traveled much further had it not destroyed the end portion of the ramp.

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