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The Middle East problem "explained"

Taint says...

I have the sinking feeling that by "his affiliations" you don't mean journalist.

Instead of insinuating, why don't you just call him a Jew so you can discount his opinions without wasting any precious time.

enoch said:

*promote the propaganda!

extra credit:can anybody name the speaker?

extra extra credit question:can anybody reveal his affiliations?

R+L=J: who are Jon Snow's parents? (GoT/ASOIAF Fan Theory)

Taint says...

Hey Lucky, I think this girl does some really watchable videos, explains things pretty well.

Video for the history of house Stark

She also does videos for House Targaryen, Baratheon, and Lannister. Just scan the related videos on the right once Youtube is up.

lucky760 said:

I like the theory, but what I really love about this video is all the back story. I haven't read the books, so all these details about what happened during the war with the Mad King are fascinating.

I think I need to look for more videos that expound on that. Any links would be appreciated.

Randomly Paired People Slap Each Other

Woman Throws a Shoe at Hillary Clinton

Taint says...

Oh Hi, I express my anger through flying footwear!

I don't know which culture the trend of throwing your shoes crawled out from under, but it is laughable. The people who do it are laughable, and anyone who thinks it should be taken seriously needs to be laughed at.

The day that throwing your shoe at someone becomes a thought provoking meaningful act is the day I'm no longer listening to anyone.

Sagemind said:

I hate how officials just laugh off the shoe throwing... It's a clear message you're hated..., Maybe put some thought into your life as to what you're doing wrong...

Saddest Boy Ever Leaves Drill Instructor Speechless

reactions to the mountain viper fight GoT - spoilers

Taint says...

It hasn't been confirmed Prince Oberyn is dead!

He could still pull through!

Just a flesh wound, he's had worse.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

Taint says...

Yogi's right.

Either Trancecoach is a purposeless troll, or some kind of an idiot.

Assuming for a second that he actually believes himself, ChaosEngine provided my favorite response.

ChaosEngine said:

You completely missed the point.

The point is that most people think they are not the problem. I don't even know what you think because your attitude seems to be "there isn't really a problem but at least I'm doing something about it." I'm actually impressed that you can be both contrarian and sanctimonious simultaneously.

I do do heaps of things about it. I'm not bothered listing them again, and besides it comes off as preaching, but I know it's not enough. I recognise that my contributions on their own are meaningless, and that is why I advocate for more meaningful change on a larger scale.

Yeah, I could give up the things I love to help the planet and sit back patting myself on the back while we plunge further toward disaster. Or better yet, I could engage in some kind of wishful thinking that everyone will follow my example and we'll all return to some kind agrarian paradise. Unfortunately, I don't believe that will happen.

The problem is that it's a genuinely difficult issue to solve. There are political, economic and even environmental (is nuclear a viable solution?) issues that all have to balance.

But like anything, the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

10 hours of Arnold Schwarzenegger

How Gravity SHOULD have been shot.

X-Men: Days of Future Past Trailer 2

Taint says...

The title is direct from the old comic.

It was one of those really great issues because all of the X-men could, and were, getting murdered. Since it was an alternate future and blah blah, they could kill off characters like they never do.

Also hoping they make it pretty long. Time travel, huge cast, it could probably use the time.

mxxcon said:

I find quiet a few things wrong with this trainer/movie.
Days of Future Past? wtf is this? are we using james bond movie titles now?
Jennifer Lawrence does not suit as a younger Rebecca Romijn.
The whole movie does not feel like previous xmen movies.
Unless it'll be 3+ hours long, they can't do justice to address time travel topic.

LA Gang Members Fighting in Syria Don't Give a Hoot, Homie

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Taint says...

Since this topic appears to have gone off the reservation, let me reign you back in for a moment.

I encourage you to re-watch the video we're commenting on.

This whole discussion, including the commentary by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, is all a response to Judge Napolitano's comments, on what is supposed to be an actual news network and, I imagine, supposed to be taken seriously?

Napolitano says: "Instead of allowing it to die, helping it to die, or even purchasing the slaves and then freeing them, which would have cost a lot less money than the Civil War cost, Lincoln set out on the most murderous war in American history."

That's what he said. In this very video, which is what we're all commenting on.

I just quoted you claiming that Napolitano believes that the Lincoln pursued the war to restore the union, when that's exactly what he's not saying here.

You're attacking the comedians for making jokes about this and accusing them for doing what Napolitano just did!

He's the one claiming that Lincoln attacked the south to free the slaves!

So, again I ask, what are you even talking about?

This video, the daily show response, all of this argument, was supposed to be about Napolitano being totally wrong. I originally commented here because you were parroting his claims that Lincoln had a lot of options, but chose "murderous war" instead of buying every slave or whatever other imagined option you think he had.

So either you understand why the Civil War started, and we agree, as you sometimes seem to indicate, or you're in agreement with Napolitano and his view that Lincoln started the Civil War as one of his apparently many options for ending slavery.

So which is it?

Do you understand why you make no sense?

Trancecoach said:

I only ask this of those who insist that Lincoln went to war to "free the slaves" (which is what Stewart and Wilmore suggest in the video). Obviously if you dismiss that as nonsense, then sure, the answer is obvious, because he didn't care to, he just wanted to preserve the union. So, where's the contradiction?

"War to preserve the Union, not a Lincoln crusade to end slavery."

Again, I understand what you are saying, I only mention the freeing of the slaves for those (like Jon Stewart and Larry Wilmore apparently) who insist that the war was about "freeing the slaves."

Tom Woods would agree with this. In fact, he's written about it: that the Civil War was a "War to preserve the Union, not a Lincoln crusade to end slavery."

You obviously haven't read him.

Judge Andrew Napolitano, Tom Woods, Ron Paul, and many libertarians agree that it was (in your own words) a "War to preserve the Union, not a Lincoln crusade to end slavery". Get it? There is no disagreement there. Get it?

The issue of buying the slaves' freedom is only for those who say that the war was "necessary" to free the slaves. But it was not and it was not the main reason the war was fought. Get it?

So, about this you are in fact in agreement with Tom Woods and Andrew Napolitano and you are in disagreement with Jon Stewart. Get it?

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Taint says...

And Just to be perfectly clear, secession predated the Lincoln administration! To ask, why didn't he do this or that is to ignore the situation he faced before he was even sworn in.

"On December 20, 1860, shortly after Abraham Lincoln's victory in the presidential election of 1860, South Carolina adopted an ordinance declaring its secession from the United States of America."

War to preserve the Union, not a Lincoln crusade to end slavery. Get it?

This is what happens when you get your history from political pundits like Thomas Wood Jr.

Try reading a real historical text on the period.

I recommend "Battle Cry of Freedom" by James McPherson.

Hey look, I guess I'm a free university!

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Taint says...

Trancecoach is arguing with himself and doesn't seem to realize it.

In one breath, he rightly states that the Civil War wasn't about ending slavery, but perserving the union. Then in the next breath asks why Lincoln didn't avoid the war by purchasing all the slaves.

Hey Trance, do you even realize how contradictory you are?

TDS 2/24/14 - Denunciation Proclamation

Taint says...

Okay, I'll try to explain again.

Whether or not Lincoln could have bought all the slaves is entirely irrelevant.

That is not why the Civil War was fought.

The south rebelled, for a variety of reasons, mostly because they thought they could get away with it, and Lincoln was left with a choice..

Let them go, or raise an army and preserve the union.

Buying the slaves wasn't an option.

Do you understand now?

Trancecoach said:

Right. Lincoln had "no choice" but to go to war just as Obama had "no choice" but to keep Guantanamo open, to drone civilians, to escalate the war in Afghanistan, etc. I guess you're right, if you go by the theory that Presidents are little more than high-paid puppets.

Given your historical expertise, perhaps you can enlighten me as to "what the opening choices of [Lincoln's] presidency were all about."

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