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Dennis Ritchie - Father of C and UNIX is Dead

Sylvester_Ink says...

Embedded programming is currently one of the biggest programming fields out there. Add to that any sort of low level system programming (such as the Linux kernel), and you'll see there's a reason why it sees so much use to this day. It's certainly not an easy language to use, but if you want results in those fields, you use it.
>> ^ChaosEngine:

>> ^chtierna:
From Wiki:
"C (pronounced like the letter C) is a general-purpose computer programming language developed between 1969 and 1973..."
... and still going strong. That says it all.

That's unfortunately true. No disrespect to dmr; C was a great language for it's time, and tonnes of great things were achieved with it, but it's well past it's use by date for most tasks.
Honestly, outside of embedded programming, if you sit down and start writing new code in C these days, you need your head examined.
That said, dmr was one of computer sciences true innovators, and will be missed.

Captain Bucky O'Hare!

Gold Star? Gold Everything! Congratulations!

Cast of "The Princess Bride" reunited after 24 years

Vertical Landing. Do you get this? VERTICAL JET LANDING

Sylvester_Ink says...

Just a note, the F-22 production costs are currently more expensive than the F-35, but that's because the F-35 hasn't ramped up to full production yet. Once that becomes the case, the F-35 will end up costing more until its production stabilizes, and by that time the F-22 will end up dropping in price. Also of note, the F-22 surpasses the F-35 in most combat capabilities, be it air-to-air or air-to-ground. It has the capability of carrying more armaments, and a greater variety of armaments. It also has a better stealth aspect, higher speed, longer fuel range, and better maneuverability.
That's not to say that the F-35 is unnecessary. It's quicker to deploy and has better carrier capabilities. This is what it needs to fulfill its role as a strike fighter, whereas the F-22 is a superiority fighter.
This is why the F-15 Eagle has been in use for such a long time, alongside the F-16 Falcon, and the F-18 Hornet. While the Eagle was the main superiority fighter until the F-22, the Hornet and Falcon are carrier-capable, making their deployment easier.

Okay, wandered off for a bit there . . . long story short, fighter jets r cool.

Time Crisis - Starring Andy Whitfield (Spartacus)

What Deus Ex 1 would have been like with preorder DLC

Issykitty (Member Profile)

SoCal (LA/OC) SiftUp - July 2011 (Sift Talk Post)

Sylvester_Ink says...

And I caught up on all the stuff I've been missing, since I'm totally out of the loop.

But it was a good time. Definitely glad I took the trip. I may attend more of these in the future.
>> ^lucky760:

I too learned so many things about so many people. Quite an enlightening evening. To be honest, I'm kind of glad some of you couldn't attend.
Of course, if you really want to be in the know, attend the next SiftUp.

Portal 2: Credits Song 'Now I Only Want You Gone' *Spoiler*

Sylvester_Ink says...

Same here. This one was okay for me at first, but it's grown on me. It does a very good job of conveying Glados' resignation and being tired of the whole mess. "Just GTFO and leave me in peace . . ."
I still prefer the first song, just because it was such a pleasant surprise, but this one is excellent too.

Students from Hogwarts four houses say what their thing is.

When cheese fails - SuperDario (P) VS wonkwink (Z)

Sylvester_Ink says...

I'm surprised Lagtv's videos are suddenly so popular. I had planned to sift several of their videos when they first came out (including WCF 7 and , but then I decided "Nah, VS wouldn't be interested in that." Perhaps this site is nerdier than I thought . . .
>> ^gwiz665:

I would never in a thousand years thought that this would make 60 votes. Videosift, this relationship just got interesting.

Insane Low-Tier Starcraft Game

Sylvester_Ink says...

The goal of the commentators is that their own viewers/ordinary players submit their matches to be commentated, as opposed to commentating high level/pro matches. They do this as a way to teach ordinary players how to improve their game and to understand what they are doing wrong, while at the same time providing a humorous commentary. I don't play Starcraft 2, nor am I ever likely to (I prefer other RTSs). However, I feel confident that I'd do half decently just from what I've learned while watching this channel.
In any case, this is in no way a parody, nor does it belong in the terrible channel. I probably can't do this, but:
>> ^poolcleaner:

FYI: It's a match between two complete noobs and it's funny because these asshats are doing commentary over it, as if it were a match between two seasoned players. It's sort of like watching a bum fight or two mentally challenged kids brawling, and you can't help but see where it goes -- which was absolutely hilarious and awesome. Just a heads up to those that are not so SC2 savvy. It would be hilarious even without the commentary, and I almost wonder if it's fake.

L.A Sift Up is On! (Sift Talk Post)

L.A Sift Up is On! (Sift Talk Post)

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