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Star Trek TNG Bluray Old Vs New - Unbelievable Difference

Sylvester_Ink says...

The new one will be, without a doubt, much better. The old version was edited together using VCRs in order to get the episodes done on a tight schedule, so the quality was pretty bad. (Worse than the quality of TOS at times.) Since they are reediting from scratch, that alone will result in much better quality than we've ever seen. Add to that the excellent color correction, cleanup, cg enhancement, etc that they did to the remastered TOS, and it will end up being quite impressive indeed.
Pay attention, George Lucas. This is how you remaster your old work the RIGHT way!

Dirty Laundry - Thomas Jane returns as "The Punisher"

Sylvester_Ink says...

>> ^Enzoblue:

What brain surgeon didn't notice he was putting dirty laundry in the dryer??? I mean seriously wtf?? Got even stupider after that.

Looks like a washing machine to me, just a vertical one. Laundromats tend to use those as they take up less space. If you need proof, look at the one on the bottom left at around 2:58, in HD, fullscreen. You can see the holes in the side of the drum, which are used to drain the water. Dryers don't have those holes, just a vent in the front and back.

Super Mario Land 2 - Using the Game to Hack Itself

Sylvester_Ink says...

>> ^Babymech:

How the hell do you find this kind of thing in the first place?

The concept of going past the boundaries of a memory segment isn't new to most programmers, and since most older games pack things in so tightly in order to make the most of their limited space, it isn't too hard to pull off such tricks. The main challenge is figuring out which bits to switch (to turn on the "you win!" flag) and how to switch them (If the bit is represented as an unbreakable block to Mario, then he couldn't really change it). You'd also need to figure out how to glitch your way into that area of memory in the first place (in this case it was to create those blocks through another glitch, then use the standard Mario Jumping Through Walls glitch to get there, etc). So yeah, it's not a trivial task, but ROM hackers tend to spend a lot of time looking at that code anyway, so it's not surprising they'd come up with a method.

What Is Your Worst Pet Peeve?

Super Friends meet Golden Girls

Picard gets his 3 weeks

best of remastered original star trek series

Sylvester_Ink says...

Yeah, Paramount did an excellent job. See, George Lucas? THIS is how you remaster a series. By touching things up, but staying faithful to the original.

But I'm really excited to see how TNG turns out. The originals look particularly bad since all the editing was done on VHS for faster turn-around. For the remastered version, they're reediting the show from scratch, so it should be a big improvement.

Video Game High School (VGHS) - Episode 4

50 Shades of Grey the Audiobook, read by Gilbert Gottfried

Steve Jobs vs Bill Gates. Epic Rap Battles of History

Sylvester_Ink says...

Yeah, they got a majority of it right, so I'll give that minor flub to them. Also, glad to see Linux got an appearance.
>> ^AeroMechanical:

>> ^lucky760:
Awesome, except "I'm running C++" which doesn't make sense, strictly speaking. (You can run binary code compiled from C++ source code, but you can't run C++ itself.)

You could run a compiler, which I believe would qualify as "running C++" if only on a technicality.


How To Win Diablo 3 Inferno Difficulty

Parenting level: ∞

Sylvester_Ink says...

I guess it's not quite related, but a friend of mine blasts the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's Messiah over the house intercom at 7am in the morning every Sunday to wake his family up. By the time it's done, everyone is down for breakfast.

Adventure Time - Tropical Island Cover

Newscaster Slips Collection

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