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Russian Bear Shows Off His Amazing Tricks

Stu says...

he definitely looks like hes having fun. My dogs are "trained" to do "stuff" as well, but sometimes when they are just in the yard by themselves, I see them doing that "stuff" without me there or that I'm even watching from inside. They actually like to do some of the stuff I taught them with each other. Animals like this are a lot smarter than we give them credit.

Top DHS checkpoint refusals

Falcon Takes Out a Duck: Bird's Eye View with Strap-on Cam

One Woman Screwing Up North Dakota’s Plan to End Abortion

Stu says...

I work in a hospital. I've seen a baby born at 22 weeks. That's been my line since I've actually seen the baby survive. Will all babies survive at 22 weeks? Probably not. Most don't, but as I said it's what I've actually seen. Seeing is believing.

Either way I don't have a vagina and won't be needing her services anytime soon. Shit tho 39%, I need to watch my back.

German Shepherd Has A Peanut Butter Feast

Kiev Has Some Snow Issues!

Standing Jump World Record.

Stu says...

You're right yogi. If this guy was taller even he could probably get higher. Box jumps are part of my plyometric workout and my highest box I end with is 57 inches. That last 7 and a half inches in a lot respectively but with practice maybe you'll see me on here!

NFL Cheerleader assaults 12 year old

Transgender at 11 yrs. Old

Stu jokingly says...

Its amazing humans came so far for so long without knowing about all these disorders and having them diagnosed at an early age! Imagine how much better off we'd be if kids in the BC times knew about ADHD and adderal!

Conan Busts Jordan Schlansky & His Elitist Espresso Machine

Jumping in a Puddle

Cats Can Be Jerks


Incredible Balance!!!

Adam Hills destroys Joan Rivers (Adele comments)

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