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Who's Reading What? (Books Talk Post)

Spiff says...

The last textual book I read in its entirety was a book about probability theory called "Struck by Lightning." It's very accessible and a good introductory "pop-science" read to the subject. The last graphic novel I read was Epileptic by David B, which deals with heavy material (the author's brother's severe epilepsy and all of the ill-fated attempts to cure him of it), but is very well written and has excellent artwork.

Currently, whenever I have a few minutes, I'm reading a couple books about logic, Logic Made Easy by Deborah J Bennett and 101 Philosophy problems by Martin Cohen.

Daniel Dennett recieves the Richard Dawkins Award.

Ask the Optimist

looris (Member Profile)

The Right Brain vs. The Left Brain

Spiff says...

I find I can get it to switch back and forth if I cover the image with my hand so that all I can see are the lower legs and feet and focus on those body parts. Usually, it takes a few seconds for the switch to work. I've also seen it switch sometimes if I just take my eyes off of it for a few seconds. it's hard to switch back after that, even if I close my eyes a second time, but it does happen eventually if given a little time.

I can't help but feel somebody is playing a trick with this, but maybe that somebody is just my own perception.

Nobel Peace Prize winner wants to kill the President?

Candidate Doublespeaks About SCHIP - For or Against?

Woman Farts with her Breasts

Nobel Peace Prize winner wants to kill the President?

Spiff says...

What? No smoking gun video or official sources to lend context to your statement? That's not very good reporting, Mr. "Liberals-are-scum" windbag commentator guy. Not that I expect good reporting from Fox, but it'd be a nice surprise if they ever did some.

House of Tomorrow!

Thylan (Member Profile)

WII sex toy

Crumpet - A Very British Sex Symbol

Perverted Justice owner Xavier Von Erck confronted

gorgonheap (Member Profile)

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