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Atheists Aren't So Bad

SilentPoet says...

I would like to point out that Francis Crick was an agnostic with strong ties to atheism, not exactly an atheists. But whatever.
Hmmm. You know 75% percent of this nation (USA) probably does claim to be Christian, but as you can tell from TV and the way most of this country acts, most do no live like the belief in or care for God. Unfortunately, Christianity has become something of a joke in America, a novelty, if you will. It's pretty much the defult choice for a belief system and thus, many that claim to be a Christian do not live like one. I remember a quote from Billy Graham stating that he would be lucky if just have of the people that were "saved" at any of his crusades were indeed salvations. Anyhow, that is just food for thought next time someone uses stats regarding beliefs systems.

I noticed scripture in this video. Allow me to bring some things to light.

Psa 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, They have done abominable works, There is none who does good.
Psa 14:2 The LORD looks down from heaven upon the children of men, To see if there are any who understand, who seek God.
Psa 14:3 They have all turned aside,They have together become corrupt; There is none who does good, No, not one.

and this hear can help...
1Cr 1:18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.
1Cr 1:19 For it is written: "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, And bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent."
1Cr 1:20 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
1Cr 1:21 For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe.
1Cr 1:22 For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom;
1Cr 1:23 but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness,
1Cr 1:24 but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
1Cr 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.
1Cr 1:26 For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called.
1Cr 1:27 But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty;
1Cr 1:28 and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are,
1Cr 1:29 that no flesh should glory in His presence.
1Cr 1:30 But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God--and righteousness and sanctification and redemption--
1Cr 1:31 that, as it is written, "He who glories, let him glory in the LORD.

God said that not only are those who say "there is no God" has done no good, but everyone, atheist or not. As for foolishness, the above scripture should help. If it needs some more explaining just tell me.

Ever think to eBay your soul!?!?

Hard Gay: Father's Day

Reasons to believe. (Sift Talk Post)

SilentPoet says...

written by karaidl
"Let's keep this on subject here. SiftTalk is either about VideoSift or general internet media, not about where you think existence came from."

Hmm. Good point. My apologies for getting off subject. Anyone wishing to talk about that subject should comment my profile.

Probationary Members Posting Sift Talks (Sift Talk Post)

SilentPoet says...

I can see where you are coming from. But it can take a while for someone to lose his or her P. Take HaricotVert for example.

I would like to point out that getting rid of my P can take a good long while, as it has for HaricotVert. In the meantime, I think I can contribute on SiftTalk. I really don't see why that would be a problem. I could understand if someone started to simply spam the boards, but perhaps if someone simply tried to post a video would be a better requirement for posting on SiftTalk.

I know I may not have contributed much video wise as of yet, but my posts did have to do with this community, no? Besides, I submitted a video not long after I joined. As soon as I was able to (IE-the other video was discarded due to negative votes) I submitted another another. I am trying to contribute. If this site expects to gain new and active users, prohibiting posting and commenting would be a very bad step to expanding the community.

That is just my take on it, anyhow.

choggie (Member Profile)

SilentPoet says...

Dude, what is your problem? What did I do to you? How was I inpolite to you? Look, I do appreciate that you were giving me advice, but I did not agree with everything you said. I don't think i deserve the ridicule you are giving me. And you might as well stop messaging me in private; I don't private message someone unless there is good reason to. I really don't see how I was in polite. And please do not tell me to "crawl out yer own ass, and learn to be polite". The first part of your request shows that you have no intention doing the same as the second part.

choggie (Member Profile)

SilentPoet says...

I noticed you gave me some advice on my profile. Umm, thanks I suppose. The comments I believe were meant to help me. I do have some points of cotention,though.
Choggie, I never said I was any better. I would appreciate it if you didn't try to put words in my mouth. I never asked for special treament. I just said I thought it would be best if we try to be civil. And by we I really meant we (as in everyone; I.E. that leaves no room for special treatment because we includes everyone). Asking for special treatment and asking that we try to get along are two different things. I myself want to stay away from ad hominem comments. I would expect anyone that saw me doing such a thing to point out wrong when they see it. There are hints in your somment that you think I am some sort of self-affirming victory seeker. I ask that you please stop attaching such motives to me. I came here to post videos that I like. If I can reach some people, all the better. But please do not presume that you know me or my motives. I find that very annoying.

As for my picture. I like it. Sure, it may hint that I have Christian beliefs, but I don't see why that should be problem.

[Edit- noticed a typo.]

Reasons to believe. (Sift Talk Post)

SilentPoet says...

written by choggie
"but I just didn't have enough time to post every single ad hominem."

Then why not ya don't, and waddle off.....

I may point out ad hominems later on if they keep showing up. Until then I don't think it is too much to ask that we avod ad hominems altogether, do you?

written by pipp3355
"i think it was me generally reflecting on the usage of ad hominem on the sift from both sides of the atheist / theist divide.. strange thing is tho i find myself agreeing with choggie on most of this thread despite his ad hominem tendencies.. go choggie!

yeah i think i'm agnostic. i just don't know, and not sure if i can know. its a bit like the teapot orbiting the earth argument - possible but unlikely - but since its possible i deny atheism. the general spirit of my number 2 there was that i think its more valuable to spend time on ideas / theories that are falsifiable. that's my bias - a bias towards the falsifiable.

where we came from? well creationism is one of my pet hates, along with scientology. i generally subscribe to the big bang / evolution / fossils and carbon dating are cool school of thought.."

Yeah, I often see it on both sides as well. I can see how you appreciate Choggie's opinion on those that claim they have answers. Most of them do not care to hear the answer of the other. As for God being like the orbiting teapot, I would have to disagree. A teapot isn't necessary for our existence. A God, Creator, or even perhaps a Big Bang is. The very laws of phyics say that if somethings is built, it must have a builder, no. I think that can apply to the world as we know it. Evolution explains or tries to explain how we got where we are now. That is to say, it explains how we could have progressed from rocks to humanity. It does not however get to the heart of the matter: how we came to be. And neither does the Big Bang, that cosmic explosion that supposedly created this world. For something to come to pass, something must something must set it in motion, no? I tend to think that evolution/big bang theory just puts a band-aid on the question rather than answer it. Very smart people behind those theories though, I have to say. I just don't subscribe to them. What I have yet to figre out is how atheist believe that the Big Bang or evolution can somehow resolve the need for a God/Creator when both of those theories still require something to start those processes. For the Big Bang, it would be, of course, the Big Bang. And for evolution, life. To me the idea that both of those processes are self evident seem, well, absurd. Any explosion has to have started from somewhere and the process of evolution cannnot start from something not even alive to begin with. Both theories have huge gaping God shaped hole in them. Both have already falsified themselves as a replacemnt for God.

But that is just my opinion. What do you think?

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Reasons to believe. (Sift Talk Post)

SilentPoet says...

written by joedirt
"I do hope I can tell others about Christ while I am here

Heck, I haven't even mentioned Jesus (ED -- see above for "mention" of JC)

I try to help both Atheists and Theists with my video and now I am being told that I am pushing my beliefs on others. (ED -- see above for mention of desire to push beliefs)

As for telling others about Christ while I am here, I refuse to just act like I don't care whether or not people know Christ (ED -- Unless you are equally open getting to "know" other entities like Mohammed or Buddha or Vishnu or Satan... I'm guessing people don't come to this website to "know Christ" or in any way be converted)

Look, you are welcome to submit videos. Please follow the guidelines and submit interesting videos you found on YouTube or wherever and not ones you uploaded, as you semi-imply ownership of the inspirational limbless guy.

I do appreciate your comments regaring Jesus Camp bowler girl. I'm surprised you haven't seen the movie. It is interesting regardless of your views of evangelicals.

Submit more Christian videos into the queue and don't complain there isn't enough. Probably just not enough interest as most people are saturated with living in Christian nations. You may even make a first post that says, "please keep this discussion civil" on your submitted posts.

But, again, you have no way to demand people remain civil especially with you alterior motives, which for those who have been around awhile can spot like... well like the letter "t" in your avatar.

I didn't tell anyone they're going to Hell. I never even talked about Jesus! Why am I receiving so much fuss over something I haven't even done as of yet?!
You know the sketchy looking teenager who is pacing nervously in a store, looking aroun shiftily. That is you, and we all know where this is going...."

Fine, I mentioned his name, but don't act like I have been pushing my beliefs on others. Telling people about Christ and forcing my beliefs on others are two totally idfferent things. I said I would be here if anyone wanted to know about him. If someone wants to hear it I will be here. I did not, however, say I would force anything on anyone.

Who said I wasn't open? Do not assume to already know me. I certainly will not be as hostile to others wishes to share their faith as you have mine.
I never complained there wasn't enough. I simply stated that I thought there was a need for it and asked if there was anybody interested. I wasn't blaming anybody here for not posting enough "Christian" videos. I just wanted to contribute.

I have no alterior motives. What? Do I have alterior motives simply because I openly profess my faith? Do you just assume that any Christian willing to share their faith has alterior motives? I already said I wouldn't force anything on anyone. I will answer questions, maybe submit a video that helps explains the Bible, but I will not do that where and when it is not wanted. Geez, as for my avatar that's the picture I use for my myspace. I like that avatar because I photoshoped it. Here is my myspace.

What is your problem? Why can't people be civil? Why would the fact that I open profess my faith be a problem with people being civil?

Look again at how you are handling this. I have done nothing wrong. I have withheld nothing. Yet you accuse me of alterior motives.

Why? Because I might actually be honest about what I believe? I really hope this isn't the way this site treats all of it's new members.

written by pipp3355
"1. I wouldn't use an ad hominem attack if I was trying to make a coherent and logically robust argument about something.

2. I like raw data, examples and evidence. They are the bread and butter of hypothesis testing and epistemology. I am science-bias in this sense. I prefer ideas / theories / opinions / arguments that are falsifiable and that can be verified to those that are not and cannot be. Specifically, I'm most interested in information which helps us best manipulate our environment/brains/bodies to our evolutionary advantage.

3. Given 1 and 2, I think I'm a believer in scientific method and rational skepticism before I'm a believer in atheism or mind-body materialsm or anything of that ilk."

Umm. Who is #1 directed at?
I can't blame you for #2. I am mostly the same way, minus that last bit on manipulation of our eniviorment.
So you are agnostic?

Hmm. Tell me where you think we came from.
Oh and happy birthday, mine was wednesday. lol.

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