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John Cleese about the difference between football and soccer

Sigh says...

Riiiight. I fell into the moron trap. You start talking politics on the internet. I remember now why I never posted on here and just laughed at the idiotic statements like yours of people who think they can change things. You are just another peon who means nothing. I'm done with you and posting on this site. There's too much agenda pushing by faggots like you who try to twist every word someone says until they believe their own bullshit. Good luck with life failure. >> ^NetRunner:

>> ^Sigh:
Except I'm not a right winger. I actually voted for the idiot. I want my vote back. He is as bad as bush.

Oh yeah? You one of these left-wingers who think they're moving the overton window left by reinforcing right wing attacks on Obama (i.e. dumb, failure, just like Bush, etc.)?
Seriously, I don't think conversion to metrics is worth fighting for. It'd be nice to see it happen some day, but the big problem is the stupidification of our political system. We can't have a rational conversation about anything anymore, least of all something like making our measurement systems compliant with the international community.
You may not be right-wing, but you totally fell into the moron trap -- I mention Obama's name, and you had to talk shit about Obama yourself, rather than simply agree that anti-Obama insanity plus our normal cultural insanity would make it completely impossible for us to do anything about trying to move to metrics (or deal with the economy, or deal with the environment, or deal with banking regulation, etc.).

John Cleese about the difference between football and soccer

Sigh says...

Except I'm not a right winger. I actually voted for the idiot. I want my vote back. He is as bad as bush. >> ^NetRunner:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 3rd, 2009" class="profilelink">Sigh, LOL, you're right, I never considered option C) Irrational right-wing morons blame Obama for failing to ram the metric system down Americans' throats.
Thanks for reminding me never to underestimate just how irrational and moronic the right is!

John Cleese about the difference between football and soccer

Sigh says...

Like I said, the signs was just one element. Every aspect of life would change. You think people wouldn't complain if a first down in football isn't 10 yards? Just another simple example.

As for the A or B. A, Americans would never generally agree and B, do Americans really need another reason to hate failbama? The US missed its chance to convert when Bush was president. If he suggested it, people would say, "Hey look, the idiot is going something smart!" If Obama does it, it will just be added to his life of reasons why he won't be elected to any public office ever again. >> ^NetRunner:

As if on cue, one of the beltway press bobbleheads comes right out and explicitly makes the case for stupidity being superior to intelligence.
@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 3rd, 2009" class="profilelink">Sigh, I don't think it's the cost of changing signs that's stopping us from going to metrics.
Tell me, if Obama announced an initiative to officially convert us to the metric system by, say, 2030, which scenario do you think is most likely?
A) Americans generally agree that we should convert, but question the costs of conversion.
B) The media and conservative politicians throw a hissy fit about how this proves that Obama hates America, and that abandoning miles and feet is essentially a surrender to Al Qaeda and the French.

Sigh (Member Profile)

Sigh says...

The french comment I'm assuming? I'm only asking from all the anti-american sentiment all over the site, I say one thing about french people from a factual standpoint actual confirmed by scientist and I get warned...I'm just wondering so I can avoid stating facts anymore. >> ^dag:

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In reply to this comment by Sigh:
Count the difference between european countries and the US in roads per country. I'd be willing to be a shit ton of money we have more. Between road signs and mile markers alone, that is literally millions and millions of signs to be changed. You think we want to pay more taxes to switch something that doesn't have to be switched? Fuck that. They already take enough of my money. It all comes down to money. There is no argument that has more impact on this than money. You can keep flapping your gums about it and keep calling us laggards, but you'll always be wrong.
Yes, frogs. I hate the french. Rank assholes. They need to come to the new age and learn to use some fucking soap. Yes I've been there. It's filthy.>> ^Throbbin:
I say hogwash. Many folks in Europe used SI, and they switched regardless of their financial investment. Americans think they're so special, when in reality they are laggards in this regard. Just because some frog says so? Really? Is the American worldview so jaded and conceited that the messenger is more important than the merits of the message itself?>> ^Sigh:
The only reason metric was adopted in Europe was so everyone could count on their fingers and toes.
To the actual topic, what's the difference with how computers are in almost every aspect of life. Calculations done by hand are a thing of the past. The only thing people are interested in is the answer. If a scientist is working in his lab and something comes out in feet and inches, he uses that. If its in meters, he uses that. You think he cares what his measurements units are? No. He cares about the results. Saying miscalculations are more prevalent in computers using non-metric systems would be as dumb as this argument.
If computers didn't run our lives metric would make sense. I'm an engineer, base 10 systems exist everywhere around us and I use it everyday. Why did feet and inches survive? Computers. If I have something measured in inches, I put the inches into the computer and change the units. Does it make it harder for me to hit enter to get my answer? Not at all.
If armageddon comes and sends us back to the stone age maybe metric will be used everywhere. It's not about stubbornness. It's about a lack of caring. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Since everyone in the US mainly uses it, they won't change it. If they did change it, aside from making new tape measures and thermometers, it wouldn't make a difference. Life would go on. You think people are going to buy new tape measures and thermometers just because some frog says so? Think again.
From another applied standpoint, buildings, roads and almost all construction is based off the Imperial system. Sheetrock is 4 feet, studs in a wall are made to fit this. Ceiling, 2x4s and roof supports are all made based on this system. That's another change of an entire industry of materials.
Practical application does not outweigh financial investment. At least not in today's world.

John Cleese about the difference between football and soccer

Sigh says...

Count the difference between european countries and the US in roads per country. I'd be willing to be a shit ton of money we have more. Between road signs and mile markers alone, that is literally millions and millions of signs to be changed. You think we want to pay more taxes to switch something that doesn't have to be switched? Fuck that. They already take enough of my money. It all comes down to money. There is no argument that has more impact on this than money. You can keep flapping your gums about it and keep calling us laggards, but you'll always be wrong.

Yes, frogs. I hate the french. Rank assholes. They need to come to the new age and learn to use some fucking soap. Yes I've been there. It's filthy.>> ^Throbbin:

I say hogwash. Many folks in Europe used SI, and they switched regardless of their financial investment. Americans think they're so special, when in reality they are laggards in this regard. Just because some frog says so? Really? Is the American worldview so jaded and conceited that the messenger is more important than the merits of the message itself?>> ^Sigh:
The only reason metric was adopted in Europe was so everyone could count on their fingers and toes.
To the actual topic, what's the difference with how computers are in almost every aspect of life. Calculations done by hand are a thing of the past. The only thing people are interested in is the answer. If a scientist is working in his lab and something comes out in feet and inches, he uses that. If its in meters, he uses that. You think he cares what his measurements units are? No. He cares about the results. Saying miscalculations are more prevalent in computers using non-metric systems would be as dumb as this argument.
If computers didn't run our lives metric would make sense. I'm an engineer, base 10 systems exist everywhere around us and I use it everyday. Why did feet and inches survive? Computers. If I have something measured in inches, I put the inches into the computer and change the units. Does it make it harder for me to hit enter to get my answer? Not at all.
If armageddon comes and sends us back to the stone age maybe metric will be used everywhere. It's not about stubbornness. It's about a lack of caring. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Since everyone in the US mainly uses it, they won't change it. If they did change it, aside from making new tape measures and thermometers, it wouldn't make a difference. Life would go on. You think people are going to buy new tape measures and thermometers just because some frog says so? Think again.
From another applied standpoint, buildings, roads and almost all construction is based off the Imperial system. Sheetrock is 4 feet, studs in a wall are made to fit this. Ceiling, 2x4s and roof supports are all made based on this system. That's another change of an entire industry of materials.
Practical application does not outweigh financial investment. At least not in today's world.

John Cleese about the difference between football and soccer

Sigh says...

Well Nasa is full of egg heads. We all know smart people have no common sense, which could have been used to save all that money! And of course it isn't broken. Hey, the baby boomer generation are almost all out. The next generation is almost fully embedded in the societal ranks to help bring some changes to the country. We just need the government to get rid of the old timers and put the next generation in so it can actually happen. Change won't happen until they are gone, no matter how hard anyone tries.

Like I said, I use both and don't care which stays because I'm competent enough to use both. The metric system still won't be adopted in America for decades. I'd be willing to wager the next number system used here will be a completely new one. A change could revitalize he economy of the US with all the work it would create changing everything. Billions would need to be spent to make it happen...wait, that's how to fix the economy! I think we've just stumbled into something brilliant! >> ^gwiz665:

Like I said before: only in America.
Miscalculations are prevalent when both systems are in place, exactly because of the way you describe - you just punch in the numbers and change the units - you just cost nasa $175 mil, because it wasn't clear which was used.
"If it ain't broken, don't fix it" Sure, but it's fucking broken!
We need the old generation that cling to this to die out, so new people can come along and bring a whole new wave of rebirth to your country - because if it continues this way, it won't exist for long!
>> ^Sigh:
The only reason metric was adopted in Europe was so everyone could count on their fingers and toes.
To the actual topic, what's the difference with how computers are in almost every aspect of life. Calculations done by hand are a thing of the past. The only thing people are interested in is the answer. If a scientist is working in his lab and something comes out in feet and inches, he uses that. If its in meters, he uses that. You think he cares what his measurements units are? No. He cares about the results. Saying miscalculations are more prevalent in computers using non-metric systems would be as dumb as this argument.
If computers didn't run our lives metric would make sense. I'm an engineer, base 10 systems exist everywhere around us and I use it everyday. Why did feet and inches survive? Computers. If I have something measured in inches, I put the inches into the computer and change the units. Does it make it harder for me to hit enter to get my answer? Not at all.
If armageddon comes and sends us back to the stone age maybe metric will be used everywhere. It's not about stubbornness. It's about a lack of caring. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Since everyone in the US mainly uses it, they won't change it. If they did change it, aside from making new tape measures and thermometers, it wouldn't make a difference. Life would go on. You think people are going to buy new tape measures and thermometers just because some frog says so? Think again.
From another applied standpoint, buildings, roads and almost all construction is based off the Imperial system. Sheetrock is 4 feet, studs in a wall are made to fit this. Ceiling, 2x4s and roof supports are all made based on this system. That's another change of an entire industry of materials.
Practical application does not outweigh financial investment. At least not in today's world.

John Cleese about the difference between football and soccer

Sigh says...

The only reason metric was adopted in Europe was so everyone could count on their fingers and toes.

To the actual topic, what's the difference with how computers are in almost every aspect of life. Calculations done by hand are a thing of the past. The only thing people are interested in is the answer. If a scientist is working in his lab and something comes out in feet and inches, he uses that. If its in meters, he uses that. You think he cares what his measurements units are? No. He cares about the results. Saying miscalculations are more prevalent in computers using non-metric systems would be as dumb as this argument.

If computers didn't run our lives metric would make sense. I'm an engineer, base 10 systems exist everywhere around us and I use it everyday. Why did feet and inches survive? Computers. If I have something measured in inches, I put the inches into the computer and change the units. Does it make it harder for me to hit enter to get my answer? Not at all.

If armageddon comes and sends us back to the stone age maybe metric will be used everywhere. It's not about stubbornness. It's about a lack of caring. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Since everyone in the US mainly uses it, they won't change it. If they did change it, aside from making new tape measures and thermometers, it wouldn't make a difference. Life would go on. You think people are going to buy new tape measures and thermometers just because some frog says so? Think again.

From another applied standpoint, buildings, roads and almost all construction is based off the Imperial system. Sheetrock is 4 feet, studs in a wall are made to fit this. Ceiling, 2x4s and roof supports are all made based on this system. That's another change of an entire industry of materials.

Practical application does not outweigh financial investment. At least not in today's world.

Dude Beatboxes Super Mario

! Momma Deer Kicks Dogs Ass !

Sigh says...

I live in Pennsylvania where there is a vast overpopulation of deer. I've had a deer in my side yard. People here are smart enough to bring everything in side when they see a deer, let alone if there is a fawn present. How those people could leave pets outside is beyond me.

Side note: If that was my dog, I would have taken my baseball bat to the deers legs and bled that fucker slowly and ate its kid in front of it.

Warhammer 40k MMO:Dark Millenium

Football: This American Gets It

Neil deGrasse Tyson debunks 2012 at 2010 World Science Fest

Sigh says...

but it's all real! THE LAVA PEOPLE ARE COMING!!!! RUUUUNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!>> ^Farhad2000:

It's fascinating that we need a premier scientist to actually debunk something this stupid...

Giant Fish Head is Going to Eat You!

England's Robert Green fails to block a shot

Sigh says...

I'm going to go to a baseball game and buy a soda for my friend. Look! I started a new tradition. You are the kind of stupid your mother should have swallowed. Who the fuck do you think you are. Oh that's right, some moron who sits at home commenting on things he doesn't understand from his fat fucking ass. Fuck you, you don't deserve to live. What an ass...

>> ^Yogi:

A father buys a vuvuzela at a game...he hands it down to his it's tradition. You mother fuckers think you can go into another fucking country MOVE out the indigenous population and set up a soccer tournament and then tell the locals how to fucking behave. You're simply what's wrong with the fucking world trying to force others to conform to your standards...for what? So you can watch a bunch of little games on TV while you sit on your fat fucking ass. Fuck you, you don't deserve to live.

England's Robert Green fails to block a shot

Sigh says...

tra·di·tion   [truh-dish-uhn] Show IPA –noun

1. the handing down of statements, beliefs, legends, customs, information, etc., from generation to generation, esp. by word of mouth or by practice

2. something that is handed down

3. a long-established or inherited way of thinking or acting

You were saying about old? You don't have to tell people how to enjoy it, but they shouldn't expect anything else on the world stage to ever go back until they shut the fuck up.
>> ^Yogi:

>> ^harry:
It's the fucking vuvuzela. South Africa pretends it's tradition, but it's apparently something that was ivented about 30 years ago, I guess by a marketing dude.
It's a monotonous buzzing that continues for the full 90 minutes. Some channels (like the BBC) appear to manage their sound levels reasonably, but the Dutch broadcasters have been unable to cope, and the commentators are frequently drowned out.
I don't like football as it is, but this makes it totally impossible to even watch it in the background. I'll just count the number of cheers and cries in the street when Oranje is on.

Yes South Africa...collectively as a country is pretending that they like something as a tradition. Firstly it doesn't have to be old for it to be a tradition. Secondly you can't tell people how to enjoy a game in their own fucking country, so shut the fuck up.

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