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Icy Steet in Utah

Pretty Much My Experience With Minecraft In A Nutshell

SeesThruYou says...

Once again, another fan-made Minecraft video that only further reinforces the blatant fact that fan-made Minecraft videos are the worst... the absolute BOTTOM of the fucking internet video pile. I play Minecraft, but I don't understand ANYTHING portrayed in this video. WTF?? No creativity, no originality, no humor... 100% pointless drivel. I lost IQ points watching this bullshit.

Remember Magibon? The asian-looking girl who did nothing but sit in front of a webcam for 2 minutes, blinking her eyes and then citing some random Japanese phrases?

Yeah, she's a cinematic GENIUS, worthy of winning a Nobel Prize, compared to the morons who make Minecraft videos like this one.

Unexpected Vist By Wild Mountain Gorillas

Vending Machine Win !!!!

What Women Want pt 1

Beard Punch

Doodling in Math: Spirals, Fibonacci, and Being a Plant

SeesThruYou says...

Now I remember why I didn't like math in high school... BOOOOORRRRRING. Maybe if she had slipped an "arrow to the knee" joke in there somewhere, I would have stayed interested. This video reminds me of math in high school and how every time I'd reach the answer to a long and complicated algebra equation, my response would be... "Uh, so what?" The answer is X=19. So what? Big fucking deal. I've never understood how to people find that interesting.

So here I am, watching this video and she shows us all these spirals in flowers and how they all coincide with the Fibbobotchy numbers, or whatever... and in the end, I still have to ask, "So what?" There are spirals in flowers. Ooooh. Big whoop. Sounds like just the sort of thing the government likes to spend hundreds of millions of "research" dollars to find out. I'm sure this amazing find will save the lives of dozens of imaginary people somewhere in the back of this girl's mind.

How To Lose $2,400 In 24 Seconds

Daddy tells her all 4 year olds turn Black

Samuel L. Jackson on Being Directed by Tarantino

Incredible Portal Fan Film

MINECRAFT: Forget everything you know about hiding chests.

Move Your Car - DJO

Matt Damon defending teachers

SeesThruYou says...

What this video SHOULD have been entitled: "Yes, you too can become a rich and famous actor, even if you're really a completely ignorant fucking retard about how the world around you works, just like Matt Damon."

The Adventures of a Cardboard Box

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