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Things aren't always as they seem

SeesThruYou says...

I wouldn't care if my DNA was 80% German or any other country, because I was born and raised in the USA, I'm an American and that will ALWAYS come first. Your allegiance lies with what you BELIEVE in, not with what's in your DNA. If you lie down and let your genes tell you how to act, then you'll lie down for just about anything.

World's Biggest Bonfire 2010

SeesThruYou says...

I can think of few things more wasteful or pointless. I guess after that small part in John Carpenter's "The Thing", the Norwegian people didn't really have anything left to do.

North Korean Refugees Try American BBQ

This passed a city building inspection!

Hanging out at the movie set when...

SeesThruYou says...

Stunt coordinator, fired. Sheesh. How do you miscalculate something like that? In the US, it's highly unlikely that anyone would have been allowed anywhere in the trajectory of the car just in case of something exactly like that.

Cop Engaged In Traffic Stop Leads To Life Sentence

SeesThruYou says...

I should turn myself in for being a rapist. What I mean is, I saw a story the other day about a white guy being convicted of rape. I'm white and I'm a guy, so therefore, I must also be a rapist, right? That's the general message that these kinds of "look, a cop breaking the law!" videos are trying to send out. Fortunately, most are smart enough to see through the bullshit.

When will people stop labeling all cops as bad because of the infinitesimal number that make mistakes?

How not to be Angry all the Time

SeesThruYou says...

Well, that's an interesting theory, at least. You know, like homeopathy is interesting to some people. I get angry at the idiots of the world who deliberately cause issues, not because I lost my car keys. Keys can be found, but stupid cannot be fixed.

Indestructible Coating?

SeesThruYou says...

Not so much a "coating" as it is a shell, or even a container of sorts, around the watermelon. It's like a half-inch thick or more, so, for me at least, it's not as impressive as first implied by the title.

Kitty... You Hungry?

Lions and...Oh my god!

A PC Gamer's Worst Nightmare

SeesThruYou says...

Heh... I remember gaming when frames per second wasn't even a thing yet. Ultima Underworld on a 386 anyone? Or better yet, how about Midwinter on an Atari ST? Kids are spoiled these days.

Never Feed Your Cat Whipped Cream

SeesThruYou says...

Actually, there's no scientific basis for that statement. Cats CAN eat dairy, but the rule is, you shouldn't feed it to them REGULARLY. A treat like this once in a while, and in small amounts, is perfectly fine. Any properly trained and reputable veterinarian will tell you the same.

I grew up on a dairy farm where the cats (dozens of them) were always finding some milk spilled somewhere in the milk parlor, and they never became ill. I'm talking about UNPASTEURIZED milk, no less. Hell, they used to eat the flesh of dead cows and pigs without any issues either, so trust me when I say that a lousy dab of whipped cream isn't doing any harm.

xxovercastxx said:

No, really, never feed your cat dairy. It's not good for them.

Sarcasm at its finest. Saddleback Leather vs. counterfeiters

SeesThruYou says...

Fuck this pompous prick. There's absolutely NOTHING about a fucking BAG that is worth $600. It's all shallow hype designed to cater to the materialistic "my shit don't stink" wealthy cocksuckers of the world. I hope the counterfeiters put this piece of shit motherfucker OUT OF BUSINESS!!!!!

Behold The Majesty of Simcity GlassBox Simulation

SeesThruYou says...

HOLY SHIT! What IS that??? Is.. is that a bug?? A computer game... with a real BUG?! OMFG... this has got to be a FIRST! I mean, I've been gaming for nearly 30 years and I've owned thousands of titles, but I don't know if I've EVER seen one with a REAL bug before!!!!!!!

This is monumental! This is... EPIC! This is....


So, you found a bug in SimCity. Whoop-de-freakin-do. Just because of all the media sensation surrounding the failed launch, this otherwise simple (yet amusing) bug is being hailed as some kind of incredible evidence that the Glassbox engine is somehow complete crap, right? Oh, okay, I get it now.

Yes, no OTHER developer has ever released bugs in their games. Yes, ooooh, let's all marvel at the bug that makes Sims walk around in circles under some special circumstances that are not even revealed to the rest of us. I play SimCity, and I play it a lot. I've never seen this happen. Not saying it's rigged, or that it doesn't happen to other players or anything, but after nearly 100 hours of playing and a dozen or so cities built, I've never seen this bug myself. Just sayin'.

Don't stop in the outer lane!!

SeesThruYou says...

Tailgating? Looked like perfectly normal city traffic to me. Either way, you have to have an empty fucking skull to do something as insanely stupid as coming to a complete stop in the passing lane of a freeway.

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