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Now, That's performance art (read description).

Samaelsmith says...

I have no problem with using themselves or their love in their art. Indeed some of the best art comes from just that. By all means examine and put love on display, that's what makes this particular piece so moving. What bothers me is the purposeful decision to never see each other again after that one final hug. The finality of that decision done in such a public way seems extraneous, only neccessary for the art piece.

I have no way of knowing what their feelings towards one another really are so my interpretation is pure conjecture. It could be said that I shouldn't judge but this is supposed to be art and one of the mainstays of art is that viewers can take away from the piece what they will. What stuck with me about the Great Wall bit was the denial of possible futures for the sake of one performance and putting first that display ahead of their relationship and their true feelings. If they can do that then I question even the whole extent of their love, which I'm guessing was probably not their intent. This is what offends my delicate sensibilities.

Thankfully they didn't stick to that contrived agreement. If they had, this encounter would never have happened and they would have done a great disservice to themselves and their obvious feelings towards one another.

Now, That's performance art (read description).

Samaelsmith says...

I'm all for art and all for love, but I'm with Stormsinger on this one. I have to question the authenticity and meaningfulness of a love that they decided to end with a final performance that seems a grand and eloquant publicity stunt. You are right that we cannot understand what it is to be them but I cannot help but be scornful of such a love that can so easily be discarded in such a way. To never see each other again? For the sake of an art performance?
The feelings they show for each other are moving, but the story of how they ended their prior relationship I find to be tacky and pretentious.

poolcleaner said:

Just because you don't understand their reality doesn't discredit the authenticity of their love. You will NEVER understand what it is like to be them but their love is meaningful and the ability to show this type of unashamed honesty in front of the world is a TALENT.

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