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Audi Traffic Light Assistance

Quboid says...

I think quite a few modern cars turn the engine off while you wait at lights, certainly I've been in one that did. It didn't start until you pressed the accelerator, at which point it turned back on effectively immediately.

Driving at 5mph isn't going to be an issue. If the system actually suggests anything like that, anything which would cause other drivers any particular concern, then it's not fit for purpose. Where did this notion of it suggesting you drive at that sort of speed come from?

That's not the main point...

This tech did NOT seem to take other drivers into account.

This tech is about traffic lights. The driver takes other drivers into account. It's no more this tech's fault if idiots use it to drive badly than it's GPS's fault when someone drives into a river by following incorrect directions.

A few people on this thread (@newtboy, @yellowc) seem to take the attitude that because idiots could drive badly as a result of using this then the technology is a bad thing. I fundamentally disagree. These are to assistant the driver, they don't drive. The human drives and whatever gizmos they use, the driver is responsible.

Sleeping In Toilet God Mode

Husky Says NO to Kennel Time

Quboid says...

I thought it was getting a bit annoyed and could have had a quick bite at the owner.

If the dog understood play fine, it would understand that an order is not a time to play.

shatterdrose said:

Um, I'm not sure what you're seeing. But that dog never once made any gesture or posture that would indicate he/she was at any point in time going to make any attempt to harm anything or anyone. Just because a dog shows it's teeth doesn't mean it's going to bite you . . . well, hard. Dogs do understand play just fine.

Russian Truckers - Expertise, experience, and luck

Quboid says...

These aren't Russian truckers, this is me playing Euro Truck Simulator 2.

I swear, that truck overtaking at 1:16, that's been me dozens of times. Frightening to think that they gave me a licence in real life.

Husky Says NO to Kennel Time

Affectionate cat

David Mitchell Argues about Stationary Escalators

Quboid says...

I don't often agree with Rhod Gilbert and I don't often disagree with David Mitchell, but it's not the same. The physics is the same but my mental expectation and muscle memory is different.

Sexy Australian Condom Ad (Banned)

Girls Are Assholes

Quboid says...

Isn't that basically the point? The title should be better but the central point that I thought it was making is that women can be shallow and stupid too, that this male-associated behaviour is also done by some women.

SDGundamX said:

In fact, I'd say shit like this probably applies waaaaay more to men than women (i.e. willing to overlook major red-flags about potential character flaws just because the female is hot and there's a chance for sex).

Tits and Ass Are OK But I Like A Girl Who...

Quboid says...

That's what I meant by the fake sentiment. It's pretending to be so deep and mature but as you say, it's just someone who's attracted to a pretty girl. And, despite pretending otherwise, this jackass is definitely judging the others on their shallow choice.

Even if you take it as bad casting or the clumsy metaphor I mentioned, he's absolutely not unique at all. Any relationship beyond one with the girl in the porno video you're watching involves more than just appearances and involves personality compatibility. Guys don't talk about this at the pub because it's weird; shallowness is, to some extent, expected. It's not a heart-to-heart discussion.

Perhaps why that's weird would be a good subject for his next poetry. As it is, this is just "hey I'm not judging you cretins for being pathetically shallow, I'm just saying I'm so much better than you because I uniquely see beyond physical attributes and lack the social skills to realise that I'm not unique and I'm taking a pub conversation way too seriously and you guys are never inviting me out again are you?".

Bah. I'm actually annoyed now. Why has anyone upvoted this? I'm not judging you guys for being pathetically shallow, I'm just saying I'm so much better than you because I almost uniquely see beyond the smulch.

bareboards2 said:

I wish it were vomit inducing fake sentiment. I'm with @G-bar -- she still has be conventionally pretty and this is just more of the same

How much more powerful would this vid have been if normal looking women had been used? Instead, it is just a chubby, normal looking man jonesing after pretty women.

How annoying.

Moscow Subway Ticket Machine Accepts 30 Squats as payment

Tits and Ass Are OK But I Like A Girl Who...

Quboid says...

It's a metaphor, showing how beautiful she appears to him in a manner more suited to the format.

Or possibly it's vomit-inducing fake sentiment. I'm going with that.

G-bar said:

ah yeah, and apparently she has to be pretty as well (see video)

Top 10 movies where the bad guy wins

Sportsmanship And A Big F**k You To The Ref

Quboid says...

The goalkeeper should have told the referee that he had a problem, I believe the ref would then stop the game so the keeper can correct his equipment. Outfield players would have to go off the pitch but for keepers, the game stops.

It would have been nice if the ref had let it slide but I don't see this has a horrible decision or a big f-you to the ref.

Cat Thugs

Quboid says...

There are some really stupid humans about. Lady-in-thumbnail, a minute in, for example. Unless that cat's been declawed (which is evil), she could lose an eye.

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