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The Elk that likes to ram cars!

Vanilla Ice says 'Sorry'

Tramontana R Edition with 720hp Unveiled

Left 4 Dead - Leeroy Bloody Jenkins!

ZLAD! - Supersonic Electronic

ZLAD! - Supersonic Electronic

Extreme Alpine Roller Coaster

QuadraPixel says...

The one in Park City is a blast! Even though it's shorter, it's scarrier because, you can control your own speed, and if you go too fast you will fly off the track around a turn (my cousin did that once)! It's pretty damn fun.

Awesome pool table made of glass

CNBC's Charlie Gasparino Drops F-Bomb

Something I can never have....

Top Gear - Nissan GT-R

QuadraPixel says...

The host of "Will It Blend" owns one. He drove it to my work one day, and we got to talk about it. You can see the car at the beginning of the "Timewarp" video under the "don't try this at home" link. *drool

This reptile is pimpin

Parachute snowboarder experiences videogame physics

Crazy Cruiseship Poolwaves - WITH people!

The Worst Day of Their Lives

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