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Game of Thrones' Author Slams Republicans for BS Laws - TYT

Porksandwich says...

Authors who write stories that revolve around politics/war/etc probably spend more time thinking about the what if ramifications of policy and laws on society than most politicians. Most of them go back into history books to try to put believable governments in based on history and the technology at the times.

Historians would probably be a pretty interesting group to hear from in regards to how voting and disenfranchisement were controlled through policies/actions. If they had a speaker similar to DeGrasse who could speak on it and put some life into it.

No More Tramp Stamps! Get a Butt Hole Tattoo!

To the bitter end.

Porksandwich says...

Most recent dog that had to be put down was my parent's rescued German Shepard. He was losing his hair to something, having more trouble walking. His rear claws, a couple of them fell out. He could barely step up into the house on his own, a few inches off the ground.

This went on for a month with no improvement, but no noticeable deterioration...he kept losing hair. Vets wanted close to a grand to run tests on him to try to figure out what was happening to his skin after the first round of tests came up with nothing.

We thought it was a severe flea allergy at first, but it just kept spreading despite medications.

Got to where he couldn't get up on his own anymore, and this was a 100-120 pound dog with bad joints so you had to be really careful how you helped him. Eventually he started not going to the bathroom outside when they got him out, but he'd lay back down and pee all over himself.

He ate throughout this, he ate as much as he ever had when he was well. He responded well, acted like he wanted to do things but he just couldn't get up on his own.

Then he got to where he could barely walk once he got up, and he was put down after that started. Didn't sleep deeply or much throughout most of this. Vet was out of ideas, and this was almost two months of giving him a chance to recover if it was possible.

I felt that last week was irresponsible of my parents, my mother in particular, to continue on. Because despite him eating, he was noticeably worse and while he wasn't whining in pain he was panting all the time. The lengths they had to go to just to get him outside to use the bathroom was crazy, getting him back in was worse. And they had to try to plan it because it took both of them to do it.

I suspect he had some kind of cancer that was on his skin and internal, but the vets had no guesses as to what it was. But they advised that everything he came in contact with should be thrown out just in case it was infectious to other dogs or animals. I mean technically he could have recovered, but you're talking a thousand dollars in tests just to find out where to go next on a dog that was getting worse in a few months time. And was already near the typical lifespan of a well taken care of German Shepard, and he had heart worms due to previous owners and a bad diet for his first year of life...he was healthy enough but it plagued him through the years. Plus arthritic joints that had been getting steadily worse for him.

He was.......10 or 11, hard to be exact since he was a rescue. That was in Dec of 2011 a few days before christmas. It was either do it then or risk him getting even worse and having to go through the holidays with no places open.

Before that was a 18-19 year old cat. Whose kidneys were failing, some shots made it looked like she was recovering. But she got bad fast when she started getting bad again.

Both of those cases made the few extra days we got with them seem rather selfish after it was done, because both of them could barely sleep. Go to the bathroom under their own power, etc. And hindsight being 20/20 goes to that, but it was clear to me in both cases that at least a week ahead both of them were not going to make it. And plans should have been made so it wasn't a wake up in the morning, see the cat/dog is way worse than the day before and have to find an emergency vet or something because you waited until the weekend or it was too early in the morning to take them to the regular vet and they had to lay there for hours like that.

I miss them both, but.......that was selfishness to go to those extremes and kid ourselves that they weren't old for their breeds.

I mean maybe this guy's dog sleeps like a baby at night and it's a totally different case, but a 19 year old dog is a very old dog anyway you cut it. If it needs the water every day to function......when it gets cold out I hope that guy is prepared to do what's right for that dog.

I look at it as being no different than having an elderly parent who expressed their wishes to have no extreme measures taken to keep them alive after X many days 15 years ago. You will always have that doubt that they changed their mind in 15 years or that something could be done, but you also know what you agreed to do when they told you this. Once the reasonable options are exhausted, not doing what's best for them and/or within their wishes to prolong it "because maybe....." is selfish. Owning an animal is kind of like agreeing to do something like that, do your best and when it's time do what you agreed to. If vets are giving you multiple thousand dollar treatment options with low chances on an old animal, you're probably being a little hysterical and they don't want to kill that hope or are taking advantage of you.

And I say this as someone who despises people who mistreat animals, and let them breed uncontrollably and let them run stray around the neighborhoods getting hit by cars and such. They invoke suffering on animals by negligence and ignorance. You are as bad as them if you drag it out on your own pets after they've had a long long life compared to others of their breed. Try your best, and when the time what's right by them...not for you.

There are probably quite a number of people out there who wish they could be euthanized due a terminal illness or some kind of degenerative's not as heartless as it sounds but it hurts to think about.

"Baby Got Back" Sung by the Movies

Olympic Commentators are Dicks

Don’t yell at Paul Ryan, old man!

"Son of Boss" new attack ad on Rmoney

Porksandwich says...

He just comes across as a really dishonest guy who thinks shrugging and laughing off questions makes him look better.

And I won't say Obama can do a better job. But some expectation of honesty and serious consideration of questions seems appropriate, and Rmoney doesn't do this. He changes his tactic, the subject, or shrugs and laughs. He says what he thinks you want to hear when he can, and ignores it otherwise.

Girl Vanishes In Thin Air Prank

Porksandwich says...

Heh, an airline has a policy of not allowing men to sit next to children flying alone, but women are OK. Which is basically a policy that assumes men are pedos. Kid's happiness has nothing to do with it. It's a pretty pervasive attitude in lots of societies. Hell they don't even like lone guys in parks where children often are, unless they bring their own kid of course.

Just in the US, the police often react to what they think is happening versus what is happening. So if someone were to call in reporting a kid missing in the probably don't want to let it go that far unless you like being locked up until they sort it out.

Plus these skits have a fairly large cast, lots of cameras and probably have to get permits help them avoid the cops. But I think the point stands, guess we could try to talk the piss guys into going to canada and test the theory, see if the police there will grab hold of them and what not like they do in the states. I'm just guessing a gal holding a bottle and squirting it like that wouldn't be treated the same as the obvious dude in either location, because the assumption of what is happening isn't the same...she probably has a bottle. Or it's a cross-dresser.

Cutest Creature Ever

To the bitter end.

Porksandwich says...

I applaud the lengths the guy will go to in helping his dog relax. But like with animals I've owned, night is when they seem to suffer the most. It really sucks when you try to wait for them to recover or hope meds will help and then they can't get up or support their own weight and you've got an animal you can't touch for fear of hurting it...who can't go to the bathroom un-aided. That just makes it so much worse when the time comes to put the animal down, when you misjudge or hope too much and it's all pain at the end.

Girl Vanishes In Thin Air Prank

Porksandwich says...

>> ^entr0py:

>> ^Porksandwich:
Think these are in Canada. If correct, it explains why the police don't show up to bust some heads when some guy, an alleged pedo, stuffs a girl in a basket after kidnapping her from a porta-pot.

Canadians are okay with that?

More implication of a sanity check before the hammer comes down. IE: The people figure out it's a prank and don't call the police.

More of a response to vaire2ube, where the "pissing out of a bottle" takes place in the US and has the police man handling the guy before they knew what was up. They reacted on what they thought was happening instead of what was happening. Thus guy with a girl in a basket who was supposed to be in a porta-pot was probably kidnapped and the dude is probably a pedo and the ensuing head breaking.

Has Apple Really Ever Invented Anything?

Porksandwich says...

I think they make a point. If Apple can take the concept of OTHER people/companies who've put out products that are similar but based on older/fatter/slower tech, why is it OK for them to turn around and sue under the guise of invention/patent?

If they can go out and shut down other companies now, why can't other companies reach back into history and snub the Apple products based on other ideas and just claim damages based on the number of years/interest/etc. AFAIK no one did it to them, so how is it right that they can now turn around and point fingers for what they themselves did? Which is take ideas and concepts out there in the market that failed, but generally had the same niche but lacked "something" that the successful products have now.

It's like aluminum bike frame manufacturers suing any company that has been around for 80 years making steel frames and then move into aluminum designs based on their old steel frames. Then the 10 year old aluminum manufacturer sues because the new alum frames resembles their lines too much.

It's far too murky historically for Apple to turn around and sue people who could have just as easily sued them a decade back for similar reasons.

I mean it's not like we have a clear counterfeiting thing here where the devices are called lPads.

Warranties - You Know What's Bullsh*t!?

Porksandwich says...

Most stuff, I'd agree the warranty is probably useless. My only real hang up on saying it's bullshit in all circumstances is televisions. They have so many things that can wrong with them, but not be completely broken or unusable that the warranty can be handy, plus it's cost a fortune to ship something big like a TV.

Speakers might be similar since they tend to be heavy, but TVs with dead pixels and what not.. the in-store warranty's or third party warranty's have a decent chance of saving you from being stuck with a TV with a weird spot on the screen that doesn't quite fit the dead pixel count policy of the MFG.

Laptops would be the second, but only if you are buying a really expensive gaming laptop. The ones that run just short of catching on fire heat wise...because components cant' hold up to that kind of heat. So you're pretty much guaranteed a new computer under the warranty if you use it a lot and are a little negligent on keeping it on a cooling pad or keeping dust out of out. Plus they get phased out so fast, 2-3 years down the line you'll be getting a pretty significant upgrade more than likely.

Girl Vanishes In Thin Air Prank

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Porksandwich says...

I think the underlying point is. A lot of crap is blown out of proportions in the US. Look at the video of the police ruining a house because they THOUGHT the owner's son may have been living there and spent ....4? hours shooting it full of pepper spray and tear gas. This was over a robbery where no one was hurt or killed, and he was alleged to have done it but had no formal charges on him as of the making of the video.

Copyright infringement has absurdly large numbers attached to it, so I have no doubt that what happened in the case of a suspected robber would be scaled up to meet the dollar amount suspected to have been "stolen" by someone who has very little absolute proof on those damages. I mean all those copyright infringement videos say you're stealing dollars right out of the working stiff's pockets if you don't buy it from the approved channels, which may or may not include any of the digital offerings...especially if they don't have direct ties to some media conglomerate.

And I don't doubt in the future that they start looking at ways to make sure you don't let anyone else watch the movie via borrowing or taking it to their house, etc. Because that's a little too much like sharing which is just another name for copyright infringement. They already try really hard to do it with ebooks, which you pay anywhere from 3-5x the price of a paperback for an ebook from most publishers....and they just set out to make it more costly using Apple a few months back.

It's absolutely insane, and I would be shocked if this video doesn't eerily depict something that has happened already somewhere in the US or at the hands of US influence in other countries. And I am not even including the Megaupload/Dotcom fiasco...which they raided his house. Seems absolutely plausible and only gets even more so each passing day. They continue to try to pass a lot of underhanded laws in the "War on Copyright Infringement"'s a good blanket excuse for a lot of bullshit to slide in. It's getting up there with "For the children!"

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