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Human Slingshot Fun (again, this time with a guy)

Hans Rosling: superb new TED talk

Hans Rosling's GapCast: Energy and Emissions

Popo says...

Not only is this a cool software for digging through statistics and put them in perspective, but it's also a web page.

Fascinating toy.

For The Bible Tells Me So Trailer

Popo says...

Looks interesting, but unfortunately this kind of documentary mostly end up preaching to the choir. (so to speak)

I don't see a bible-thumping, God fearing follower to, first, sit through a movie like this and second, to think:
"Hmm, you know what? It may be a tad more complicated than the old God made us, told us what to do, then watches from then on with great displeasure as we constantly try to atone for the endless stream of sins we produce."

WORST commercial you'll ever see from GM

Popo says...

wtf? that reeked of laziness and left an aftertaste of
"The environment, yeah right"
If that's what's selling today, show how totally we are into it.

/shows how low they aim

Demetri Martin Standup on Rove

50% of Caribbean Coral Reefs wiped out (Jan 24th)

A day in the life of a Portal turret

A Soldiers Revolution

Popo says...

Bravo for this man's courage, (assuming the flashing of ID makes it genuine) he's in for quite a storm of controversy.

But then again, from my point of view, he's just stating the obvious.

I wish there were more americans (especially military and 'patriots') who could just stop having other people's opinions and think for themselves.
Boot your government and every greedy, unelected leeches hanging around it and get right back to working on this 'land of the free' idea.

All aboard the Darwin Express!

12 Days of Christmas for People with ADD

Toddler tries newly installed wall hack

Greetings from Sadr City

Popo says...

schmawy, I was wondering the same thing, "have I ever heard a sobbing translator before?" or did I just notice it this time?
Anyway, give this woman a check for effort!

Nature invented the wheel

Condom + Water = Fire

Popo says...

I don't know if he's faking, but the technique is real.
Other odd ways of lighting a fire are with an ice lens, polishing the
bottom of a soda can to make a parabolic mirror, and a crude piston to suddenly compress air at ignition temperatures..

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