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Coulter stands by controversial word used to describe Obama

PalmliX says...

>> ^Sagemind:

I dislike her and don't agree with any of her blunt, rude comments BUT the word retard has a definition and can used as such.
re·tard 1 (r-tärd)
v. re·tard·ed, re·tard·ing, re·tards
To cause to move or proceed slowly; delay or impede.
To be delayed.
1. A slowing down or hindering of progress; a delay.
2. Music A slackening of tempo.
The word does not mean stupid - it means "To move slowly" and may be used in reference to someone who responds slowly. A very intelligent person can retard the process to get a clear perspective on the situation or to stonewall.
I use retardant in my paint so it drys slower.
Even used as a derogatory term, the word at best, means one is slow. I don't agree with her using the term in the way she did and she was clearly lashing out like a child having a temper tantrum but to the meaning of the word itself, I see so issues here.
Piers needs to let this one go and move on.

Hmmm the only problem with this argument is that right underneath the section of the website you quoted there's this:

re·tard 2 (rtärd)
n. Offensive Slang
1. Used as a disparaging term for a mentally retarded person.
2. A person considered to be foolish or socially inept.

Now I'm all for free speech, even offensive free speech when it has something important or meaningful to say but this is the entirety of Anne's tweet: “I highly approve of Romney's decision to be kind and gentle to the retard.”

Which to me lacks any real substance and says nothing of consequence or importance. In fact its just plain nasty and shallow.

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PalmliX says...

>> ^spoco2:

Gimme gimme gimme.
Bioshock is still my favourite gaming experience. I am just now playing Bioshock 2.
This may be my reason to finally upgrade my 5 year old pc. It's been able to continue to play the few games I throw at it, but this might finally break it!

Actually you'd be surprised, they are still designing this for the same console that ran Bioshock 1 so they can't exactly push the polygons or textures any more than they did on the first game.

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PalmliX says...

True enough!
>> ^volumptuous:

There's a major difference between political lip-service and doing rhetorical backflips on major policy issues just to get elected.>> ^PalmliX:
>> ^volumptuous:
Ummmm... maybe Obama is so subtle that you can't name a single instance of him doing a complete 180 on a major issue?
promote >> ^PalmliX:
Politics as usual folks! Is anyone really surprised? They will say whatever they need to get elected. Obama's not any different, he might just be a bit more subtle about it.

I don't doubt it, I just don't know... I tend to assume all politicians are liers right off the bat. Not very fair I know, but I have no faith (perhaps this is the wrong word?) in the political process whatsoever.

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PalmliX says...

In hindsight I don't think runnign was the best thing for him to do here. Thankfully it worked this time but doesn't running potentially activate the bears predator instinct and cause him to give chase?

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Flip Flop Mitt - "As Consistent As Any Human Can Be."

PalmliX says...

>> ^volumptuous:

Ummmm... maybe Obama is so subtle that you can't name a single instance of him doing a complete 180 on a major issue?
promote >> ^PalmliX:
Politics as usual folks! Is anyone really surprised? They will say whatever they need to get elected. Obama's not any different, he might just be a bit more subtle about it.

I don't doubt it, I just don't know... I tend to assume all politicians are liers right off the bat. Not very fair I know, but I have no faith (perhaps this is the wrong word?) in the political process whatsoever.

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