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The Day of the Doctor: A Preview (Doctor Who)

Things Kids Do That'd Be Creepy If An Adult Did Them

artician (Member Profile)

Orz says...

I gifted you a point for trying your best. It seems I never have the time to much of anything useful with my points.

artician said:

*double promote
*publish to national news
*fuck you siftbot I already know what you're going to say

Awkward Interviews with Cosplay Girls at ComiKaze 2013

Aziz Ansari on being single

Jar-Jar Binks Finally Dies - Deleted Star Wars Scene

Nobody is getting into these shorts

Orz says...

Seems to me a good rape deterrent would be tentacles that slither out from the legbands or waistband when someone attempts to remove the garment in an improper fashion. It would definitely scare the bejeezus out of most people and on the upside I'm sure such an innovation would be a popular selling point in Japan for all the wrong reasons.

Beluga Whale doesn't like little kid...!

Baby badgers and their scary stuffed mom

Coolest Dance Routine Ever!

[VICE] The Japanese Love Industry: A country that is dying

Orz says...

Doesn't this explain Japan's obsession for robots and the constant need to make them better and for everything imaginable? In 15-20 years or less they will either need to have robots that do the work for them or they will have to ship it overseas to someone else.

What is SPAM?

Daft Train - How To Dance Properly on Get Lucky

My Brain Can't Handle Tyler The Creators New Music Video

'Jeopardy!' Contestant Penalized For 'Elaine' Pronunciation

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