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Hilarious Jackie Q Audition by Rose Byrne

E3 2011: Prey 2 - Holy goddamn, Blade Runner, anyone?

NinjaInHeat says...

I see, so after you capture the bounty it gets teleported into the spirit realm and you have to follow it and fight some alien spirits using your spirit auto-cannon and spirit nano-implants. I mean, it's either that or that they decided to dump that whole Navajo-rambo thing they had going on, which seems highly unlikely seeing as it worked so well the first time around.

Cat Playing a Shell Game

NinjaInHeat says...

Notice right after it picks the wrong one (0:23) its head turns immediately to the correct one, as if it wasn't even expecting it to be under the one it picked... a hustler alright but still a ways off from hitting the strip.

This is why you don't Text and Drive

NinjaInHeat says...

Am I the only one who finds this pretty disturbing not for the idiot driver but for the guy filming? How indicative this is of the 'youtube era', so what if he called the police first? After that phone call his train of thought just logically led him to 'ok, it's time to start recording this'?

I can't help but think that if that wasn't on his mind maybe he would've tried to some how prevent a disaster? Maybe drive up behind him and start honking like crazy? Maybe not even managing to stop the moron but at least giving a heads up to incoming traffic.

Hell, I would've found this more comforting if he would've at least given some indication that he's enjoying it in some twisted way, that he's not intervening because the concept of an upcoming disaster fascinates him, it's the fact that this is how a (as it appears to me) responsible, well-intentioned citizen reacts to an emergency.

Two dumb girls confess to robbing a 9 year old

Paul Simon is so Cool! Brings fan on stage

Truth-Telling In Israel Is Very Very Unpopular

NinjaInHeat says...

If they are made by good, well-known and respected Jews then I concede, it must be true because their families died in the Holocaust.

Do you have any idea how many people in this country have had their families almost completely wiped out in the Holocaust? And believe me, that hardly qualifies them as objective in matters of democracy, it is that survivor mentality that has made Israel into the semi-Fascist nation it is today, creating generations of people whose first and foremost interest is the protection of the Jewish people, pluralism be damned. Still, they are not any more racist than your average American, just more blindly patriotic.
I think, at the very least, the fact that these left-wing activists are allowed to do what they're doing and I'm allowed to express my opinions (as unpopular as they may be here in Israel, as this video shows) should make others think twice before using terms such as '4th Reich' so lightheartedly.

>> ^Asmo:

>> ^NinjaInHeat:
Asmo, can we cut the Nazi comparisons? They are getting SO old and you prove nothing except for your own ignorance by making these bombastic statements. Don't get me wrong, I in no way support this law or many others in this sorry excuse for a democracy, but it's these retarded 3rd Reich comparisons that make me feel disgusted by the extreme left here almost as much as I am by the right.
Grow up.

They are getting 'SO old' (OMFG Tiffany, it's like, SOOOOO old!!!) because they are made so often, and not just by right wing nutjobs. And they are made by good Jews. Well known and respected Jews who had families die in the Holocaust. People who will not condone what the facist state of Israel are doing to the Palestinians...
So no, I won't stop accusing the Israeli government of being a facist bunch of assholes on par with the Nazi's. If the jackboot fits...

Truth-Telling In Israel Is Very Very Unpopular

NinjaInHeat says...

Asmo, can we cut the Nazi comparisons? They are getting SO old and you prove nothing except for your own ignorance by making these bombastic statements. Don't get me wrong, I in no way support this law or many others in this sorry excuse for a democracy, but it's these retarded 3rd Reich comparisons that make me feel disgusted by the extreme left here almost as much as I am by the right.
Grow up.

Russian Newscaster can't get past the 13 bears guarding pot

Dead Squirrel, Little Girl and a Video Camera

NinjaInHeat says...

To everyone crying out "OMGOMGOGM, DISEASE GERMS OMG NO!!!", do you have any idea of the type of shit a child will put in his/her mouth during that period in life? Something tells she'll survive this 'ordeal'. I liked the mom's remark about her turning out to be vegetarian, actually, if anything, I imagine this will prove to have a positive impact on her perception and acceptance of death as she grows up.

Minnesota State Lawmaker Asks Perfect Question about Gays

NinjaInHeat says...

At the end of the day I would always support gay rights, not so much for honestly caring about other people being trampled for what is in most cases most likely a natural orientation, but for the off-chance that 20 years from now I'll find myself bored with sexuality as I know it, adventurous enough to tell myself "hey, why not suck a cock?" and mature enough not to cringe at the mere thought.

(not saying heterosexuality is immature, just that I believe we are all capable of evolving new 'orientations' through genuine open mindedness and experience, albeit most of us unfortunately have no interest in doing so.)

Conan - Nicolas Cage Terror Alert System

Fantastic LEGO marble machine!

French Law Threatens Women for Wearing Burka

NinjaInHeat says...

Same issue as that video way back about a french woman not being allowed to wear a Burka to school, this is so sad, and again sadder still are some of the responses here, just goes to show you that social democrats in power can be just as forceful about their ways as the republicans that are usually the subjects of rants here.

Most of you apply logic to these issues in the manner of asking yourselves: "do I like Burkas?" and then, "do I think this fits my ideal for humankind" and you come to the conclusion that it does, which is just sad because your spend half your time on this site ranting about the outrages of having your freedoms taken from you. This isn't about humankind, it's about a free society, free societies need certain rules to function.

If this was a law proposing to, say, outlaw porn. How many of you would claim that the positive/negative implications for humankind have nothing to do with the ruling? That it's a matter of personal freedoms.

And to all you geniuses who keep dismissing the whole Burka issue because "it's the will of Muslim men forced on their women", grow the fuck up, I could apply that argument to pretty much any adult behavior that is attributed to traditional upbringing, at least be mature enough to accept that regardless of how negative you perceive a behavior to be, by the time these people grow up these -are- their ways, your rhetoric of "this is stupid" is meaningless to them, if you honestly believe it is our place as a society to "show them the light" then at least be honest enough to admit that you're not interested in democracy, you're Fascists.

Incredible Miss At Railway Crossing

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