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The Mother of All Rollercoaster Rides, Yeeeehaw!

The Complete "Ich Bin ein Berliner" Speech

NinjaInHeat says...

You're right, the point here is (and I may be wrong about this because my German is far from perfect) that the term Berliner isn't used for both meanings (people from Berlin are not referred to as Berliners), The suffix 'er' suggests it's an adjective, a Berliner what? a Berliner man, a Berliner beer, etc... So even if there was no doughnut nicknamed 'Berliner' it would still sound kinda funny, more like saying "I am a big" instead of "I am a big man".

Not that I care much, just sayin'...

>> ^schlub:

This is so stupid. Just because SOME Germans refer to a particular confection as a "Berliner" doesn't mean that Kennedy's use is incorrect. It does NOT translate to "I am a jelly doughnut". That's idiotic. It would be like someone insisting that saying "I am a Canadian" means "I am a beer" since Molson Canadian beer is often referred to as "a Canadian"....

How to poop successfully while in the orient

Bill Clinton under hypnosis about to give speech to nation

Obama's Hypnotism Techniques Revealed

Killer Elite

A Very Successfull Porshe Shoot - *Sigh*

campionidelmondo (Member Profile)

NinjaInHeat says...

Will check'em out.

In reply to this comment by campionidelmondo:
Maybe you've just watched the wrong movies. He tends to get typecast alot, but he's a decent actor.

In reply to this comment by NinjaInHeat:
I'll be honest I went into this with every intention of hating the guy before he even opened his mouth, it's nice to be surprised, he seems really cool, too bad he can't act for shit.

Vin Diesel talks about playing Dungeons & Dragons

"It Belongs to Us" -- Jerusalem Day 2011

NinjaInHeat says...

"It's ours" says the Jewish American Princess who came here a week ago, ahahaha. It's peak season for the Jewish-American hoards here, as if we don't have enough indigenous mindless Patriotism, come summer the states never fail in funneling an endless supply of young morons to come support a cause that isn't theirs, in a country they've never been to, taking sides in a conflict they do not understand.
Bravo Israel, bravo.

These celebrations were so loud they almost disturbed my Team Fortress 2 session, bastards...

Will Self comments on the internet & first person shooters


Star Wars: The Old Republic - Incredible Opening Cinematic

Bike kid gives his inspirational speech to the nation

Beaver is somewhat disgusted with a skunk he stumbles upon

NinjaInHeat says...

"ummm, ohhhhhhh! ohhhh, oh oh oh oh". The beaver equivalent of "Excuse me, haven't we met somewhere before? OH! errrr, sorry, I think I left something in the car".

I wonder if a Skunk is the equivalent of dude-looks-like-a-lady in Beaver society...

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