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Countdown 9/10/09 - Worst Persons

G20: Epic Undercover Police Fail

LostTurntable says...

Despite the fact that organizing an anti police brutality rally during G20 is a stupid attempt at attention mongering, if those were cops that's fucked up.

Of course, if the anarchists whiny bitches really wanted to stop that shit from happening they would just stop wearing masks and bandannas like that and show their faces.

G20 Pittsburgh Protests - Students Trapped and Attacked

LostTurntable says...

>> ^blankfist:
^What say you of the students who were inadvertently trapped and attacked? They weren't anarchists. I suppose in your world, justice requires we break a few eggs to make an omlette. And because some of the participants were anarchists, then all dissenting opinions must be those of anarchists, right? Therefore I must be one by your loose, ignorant and poorly thought out logic.
Your brush is broad. Your paint is one color.

I called those students innocent bystanders, if you actually read what I wrote. They got stuck in the crossfire and that sucks. But the crossfire was started by the anarchists! There were anarchists there. That's a fact. They organized the protest! They're the ones who started shit and they're the ones you should be upset with. I never said anything about everyone there being an anarchist. Do you think in binary or something?

You're the one citing the Reign Of Terror is an acceptable means of revolution. That's the definition of breaking eggs to make an omelet.

And if there really were cops posing as anarchists starting shit that's fucked up. Of course, if the coward anarchist a-holes stopped covering their faces then we wouldn't have that problem either. And if the protests were completely non-violent and passive, then the cops wouldn't be able to do that.

I'm done arguing with you about this. We're both retarded for doing it.

G20 Pittsburgh Protests - Students Trapped and Attacked

LostTurntable says...

I'm willing to bet most of the people there don't even understand what the G20 is, they just see it as world government, and how that has to be bad because..well...Ministry said so in that one song.

I didn't realize citing facts was hyperbole. Those were anarchists, they identified as such and they came there with no other reason other than to pick fights and start shit. That's what they do. They're idiots. They're also cowards, covering their faces, starting shit and then running away so innocent protesters can get the grief for it.

You haven't been to Pittsburgh, I live here. That street they pushed that dumpster down was steep. It could crush someone easily. That is assault. End of story.

And you can't endorse violent revolution AND believe in nonviolence. You're big into Orwell I assume, doublespeak much? If you really think that "When the government takes your 1st Amendment rights, there's always the 2nd Amendment to fall back on. This is when watering the tree of liberty is necessary" then you should sign off your computer, stock up on weapons and get to work. All you anti-govt types who think the police are instituting a police state, 9/11 was an inside job, you have no freedom of speech, etc, you're all a bunch of wussy blowhards. All talk, no action. Get to work and start killing government officials already! Or would you rather someone else do it so you can watch it on YouTube?

G20 Pittsburgh Protests - Students Trapped and Attacked

LostTurntable says...

>> ^Fade:
Would democracy exist as we know it if the French hadn't murdered some government officials? lostTurntable you are a moron if you think protest can be effective if it doesn't cause civil disturbance or takes place entirely within legal bounds. The limitations governments like the US and UK place on protests is designed specifically to limit their effectiveness. If you stick within the lines all you will achieve is what they want you to achieve. Exactly nothing.

Wow, first of all 20,000-40,000 people is a bit more than "some government officials." Don't cite the Reign of Terror as a well-orchestrated revolutionary scenario. Protests by their nature CAUSE civil disturbance, but the ones protesting must remain civil. The African-American protesters of the 1950s and 60s who were beaten by cops and had the hoses set loose upon them rarely fought back. Therefore sympathy is given to them. Who else did that? Oh yeah, Gandhi. If that stupid girl at the end of the video wanted to prove her point she should have just sat silently and refused to move, yelling (god knows what) at the cops is idiotic. When the cops act this way against a passive audience they are repressing them, when they act this way against a loud and violent mob they are doing their damn job.

By donning masks (like pathetic COWARDS) and hurling dumpsters, throwing rocks and breaking shit you don't endear anyone to your cause (whatever that is, it's not really clear other than "OMG G20 is bad!" There were many more protests in Pittsburgh that were perfectly civil because the people remained calm. Sorry, when I see stuff like this I see nothing but police regrettably reacting the way they have to when some idiots start acting a damn fool. Innocents got caught in the middle, blame the shitheads with the bandannas, not the cops.

American Police State... 2009

LostTurntable says...

You're right, how dare the cops warn the people to stop breaking the law by causing a disruption, breaking traffic and vandalizing storefronts. Would you rather just have them run in batons blazing without a warning?

G20 Pittsburgh Protests - Students Trapped and Attacked

LostTurntable says...

Hundreds of assholes poured into the streets to pick fights, break shit and overall just be dicks. They trashed my city and caused thousands of dollars of damage, not to mention endangered he lives of countless others. You see those assholes hurl a dumpster down that hill? That's assault with a deadly weapon. They could have killed someone. There were other protests that DIDN'T dissolve into riots that had a very strong police presence. I wonder why. But no one is watching those videos because it doesn't fir into their bullshit view of "OMG COPS ARE EVIL."

Also everyone seems to be forgetting that these protests were ILLEGAL. They didn't stick to where they were supposed to, they weren't organized and the majority of people there (or at least a vocal minority) were intent on blocking traffic and causing as much grief to the city as possible.

As far as those idiots on the stairs go who think they were "severely burned," well, they're idiots too. What were they thinking? "Hey, lets go watch a riot! Oh no! My eyes are burning from the gas!" No pity.

The girl at the end of the video, the cops were ordering her to move, her friend was pulling her away from them, yet she decided that her vapid little voice needed to be heard for some reason.

Finally, to the person who posted this video and said "When the government takes your 1st Amendment rights, there's always the 2nd Amendment to fall back on. This is when watering the tree of liberty is necessary," you all realize he's advocating the murder of government officials right? Timothy McVeigh fans?

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Congressman's town hall erupts over Obama birth certificate

Congressman's town hall erupts over Obama birth certificate

LostTurntable says...

>> ^quantumushroom:
I's a mistake for the moonbats to keep bringing this up, even to mock it. The facts, as usual, are with the opposite team.
"Certification of Birth" versus an actual Birth Certificate; in the amount of information revealed is the difference between a nametag and a resumé. Anyone know the name of the doctor that delivered The One? Which hospital was it? No one knows. Grandmother Obama proudly claims she witnessed The Messiah's birth in Kenya; she's obviously a right-wing extremist...

Obama's Grandmother never said that, that is a lie spread by these psychopaths. The hospital and doctor information are MEDICAL RECORDS which are private and kept private for everyone, not just the President.

But of course you're right, its all a conspiracy, involving the government of Hawaii, Kenya, Pakistan, the UK, the local press of Hawaii at the time (which listed a birth announcement) and the national government. It's all a grand conspiracy 47 years in the making in order for Obama to become president.

Go jump off a bridge.

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