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Cat Plays Jenga Quite Well

The Most Extreme Fire Extinguisher On Earth

Lioness jumps off a cliff to catch an antelope in mid-air

Buy My Volvo

George R. R. Martin Still Uses A DOS Word Processor

TED: Randall Munroe (XKCD) - Comics that ask "what if?"

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): Letter of the Week

How to transfer an inkjet photo to wood

Lendl says...

You know what's really great about this video?

He gets right to the point, with no extra, unnecessary words. He didn't even ask to subscribe to his channel. Which I did.

Don't Sleep With Another Man's Woman

PSA Obligations From Burnt-Out Media Whores

PSA Obligations From Burnt-Out Media Whores

When Pole Dancers Get Bored..

How Frozen Should Have Ended

How Frozen Should Have Ended

Mechanic finds a Squirrels Nest In A New Car

Lendl says...

Fucking squirrels!

They built a nest in one half of my engine, including hundreds of pine cones from the air intake into the filter and all over the engine...which expanded to clog and crush everything. Also grass, leaves, plastics bags and Subway M&M cookies.

Luckily they didn't chew wires which I've heard can be $$$ to fix.

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