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Disturbing images from Iran-what Dick Santorum wants to bomb

Kreegath says...

I have colleagues and friends who've immigrated to my country from Iran and who're in in daily contact with as well as take regular trips to the friends and family they've got living there. The image I've gotten of the place is nothing like the devilish hell hole that US and European media depicts it to be. It's a modern society with an ancient culture. Sure it's a country which struggles with poverty, social injustice and religious fundamentalism, that's undeniable. However, in many regards the same image could be painted of the US or even my own country of Sweden, should anyone feel the desire to do so, even if the degree to which the national problems manifest themselves vary. What is so very important to keep in mind, and what the media is very careful not to show you, is the actual people. That's why I like this video and others like it (although the music in this one wasn't really necessary IMO), because it humanizes them in a media conversation which otherwise thrives on dehumanizing to push a political agenda.

Peanut butter disproves evolution.

Yoga Arm Balance

Kreegath says...

Yes because obviously a female cannot conceivably afford such a place on her on, she has to have been treated to it by an investment banker? Is that your point?


Kreegath says...

This kind of dehumanizing torture treatment is despicable. Those monsters doing that to their subjects should be sent to Hague for crimes against humanity, and the students' parents should lose their legal guardian status on the spot.

G8/G20 - Crash The Meeting

Kreegath says...

I have a hard time sympathizing with these tourist rioters who seem to do nothing else but fly around the world to these meetings to torch cars, smash windows and throw rocks at the police. They're the reason peaceful protesters have such a hard time in these situations, no the police.

choggie (Member Profile)

OMG! Louisiana Local Tells Truth On BP Cleanup

It's kicking off! (Blog Entry by campionidelmondo)

Ultra-WTF Ronaldo Goal

Kreegath says...

Obviously the Portugese team poisoned the North Korean team's food and water before the game. That, and the fact that they bribed the judges, rigged the ball and played with some illegal super shoes made it impossible for the clearly superior North Korean team to win.

Basketball: High school student sinks 75-foot BACKWARDS shot

World of Goo: NOW OPEN!

What's the perfect length for your man?

Kreegath says...

100% of the women I polled yesterday claim that bad breath is a much bigger issue than facial hair when kissing. So you'd be no better off shaving if you're not flossing and/or brushing your teeth twice a day as well, guys.

John Cleese about the difference between football and soccer

Kreegath says...

I'm pretty sure there are more road signs in Europe, larger parts of Asia and Africa as well as most of Oceania than there are in the United States. Don't quote me on that though, but it would seem that way.

John Cleese about the difference between football and soccer

Woman giving birth in the water with a dolphin

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