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girl deepthroats a banana - boyfriend is left speechless

Man Looks like Robber and Pretends Everything is Normal

Incredible luck, defying death montage

Japan bicycle race accident

Who doesn't love a montage of hits?

Harley rider fails to take a corner, disappears into scenery

JerkyTwins says...

oh theyre gonna beat our asses. i drive like a pussy and am going to cry now. You should have fucken pulled over you dumb shit. This isn't the 70s and they're not the hells angels.

Future from the Past -- 1993 AT&T "You Will" Ads

JerkyTwins says...

Have you ever provided a service that didn't consistently drop calls? Were you ever taked over by a company that couldn't either?

Though it is cool how some of the 'future' technologies are now commonplace.


What children see, children do (Powerful)

how to create a sexy pop star

JerkyTwins says...

Interesting, but not unexpected. If the ad industry can manufacture artificial images of models, why not the music industry.

But of course these artificial pop tarts eventually self destruct, or gain some talent so they don't have to lip-synch.

3D Ultrasound in motion!!

Bush War Crimes Pardon - What are we Becoming?

Steorn - Free energy technology, or hoax?

JerkyTwins says...

There's no such thing as 'free' energy. As the patentholder, I plan to charge less that petrol-based fuels - cheap enough to put all the world's energy megaopolies under - but I will not give it away. So please change the name and tags on this video.

What do you see, funny joke or inhumane act?

Pit Bull vs. Dog Handler

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