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Just a girl with headphones dancing

JAPR says...

Dance is better when it's not about sexy. She could probably dance sexy if she wanted, but she's just dancing how the song makes her feel like dancing. How it ought to be.

>> ^Abel_Prisc:

I know I am probably going to get lynched for this, too, but a girl's dancing doesn't have to be sexy to be good.

TDS: I Give Up - Pay Anything...

TDS: I Give Up - Pay Anything...

Hawken - Indie Game - Cockpit gameplay footage

Nitro Circus Live - World First - Special Flip

blankfist (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

Thanks man, that's the plan. And yeah, fuck breaking bones.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Very awesome. Good luck with that. And pursue it doggedly! If you stay at it, you will find others opening the doors for you.

Breaking bones sucks.

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
I think it's more about the terminology (just saying "military industrial complex" triggers reactions, despite the fact that it's really just a convenient term for describing a complex issue because of the negative meaning that has been put on the word), personal ideas of what is good/bad, and a whole lot of ignorance on the issue of America's (and other nations') acts abroad and the facts/results behind them as opposed to just the surface reasons and the outwards political debate. I mean, hey, you can get away with a lot of questionable acts (I consider forcing other nations into your web of "influence" and basically stripping them of the ability to control their own destiny via CIA and other such methods wrong, but since morals are human constructs, unless enough of us agree that it's wrong and force our government to change its ways, those who make their own reasoning as to why it's okay will continue to do so) if you do them within the framework of an generally accepted "good" act. Different paradigms paint different realities, all you can do for people is try to point them to literature and info that can help them get over misinformation and hope their personal views do in fact align more with yours once they know more.

I still don't use a smartphone, but that app looks like it could be pretty amusing to play with for sure.

As for music, I've got a broken finger on my left hand that's gotta be in a cast for three more weeks, so it's somewhat on hold, but I need a reliable lead guitarist eventually and this gives me more time to look for one before i start trying to play shows. Got a short 30 minute set scheduled for mid-late May on campus, so that's something I'm really looking forward to. I've finally settled completely on trying to go for it with music, so after I graduate things will be pretty busy with that, but that's what I love doing, so hopefully I can find a decent-paying job that won't interfere too much. We'll see, lol.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Ha. You know me, always against the wars and the military industrial complex. I guess I cannot say the same for everyone on here.

I've been good. Just finished an app for the android market. None too shabby.

How's the music going?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Ahoy there sir. I saw your discussion with dft on Lybia and it reminded me of why I like you two, lol. How's life been going?

Congressman Weiner Being Hilarious

Veep Joe Biden Talking Impeachment

JAPR says...

It may be right for intervention to occur in Lybia, but as we are bound to turn it to our own ends, it shouldn't have been us, is what I mean, I guess. I hate seeing people do some measure of good in order to take advantage of others.

blankfist (Member Profile)

JAPR says...

I think it's more about the terminology (just saying "military industrial complex" triggers reactions, despite the fact that it's really just a convenient term for describing a complex issue because of the negative meaning that has been put on the word), personal ideas of what is good/bad, and a whole lot of ignorance on the issue of America's (and other nations') acts abroad and the facts/results behind them as opposed to just the surface reasons and the outwards political debate. I mean, hey, you can get away with a lot of questionable acts (I consider forcing other nations into your web of "influence" and basically stripping them of the ability to control their own destiny via CIA and other such methods wrong, but since morals are human constructs, unless enough of us agree that it's wrong and force our government to change its ways, those who make their own reasoning as to why it's okay will continue to do so) if you do them within the framework of an generally accepted "good" act. Different paradigms paint different realities, all you can do for people is try to point them to literature and info that can help them get over misinformation and hope their personal views do in fact align more with yours once they know more.

I still don't use a smartphone, but that app looks like it could be pretty amusing to play with for sure.

As for music, I've got a broken finger on my left hand that's gotta be in a cast for three more weeks, so it's somewhat on hold, but I need a reliable lead guitarist eventually and this gives me more time to look for one before i start trying to play shows. Got a short 30 minute set scheduled for mid-late May on campus, so that's something I'm really looking forward to. I've finally settled completely on trying to go for it with music, so after I graduate things will be pretty busy with that, but that's what I love doing, so hopefully I can find a decent-paying job that won't interfere too much. We'll see, lol.
In reply to this comment by blankfist:
Ha. You know me, always against the wars and the military industrial complex. I guess I cannot say the same for everyone on here.

I've been good. Just finished an app for the android market. None too shabby.

How's the music going?

In reply to this comment by JAPR:
Ahoy there sir. I saw your discussion with dft on Lybia and it reminded me of why I like you two, lol. How's life been going?

Carlin on God, Humans, and his freakshow notebook

JAPR says...

Hahaha. I just recently realized how much of our society is shitty because we've cramped ourselves by sticking to shitty primitive patterns and just improving on them rather than replacing them, myself. I love Carlin now.

Veep Joe Biden Talking Impeachment

JAPR says...

>> ^kceaton1:

Apples and Oranges. We are an active U.N. member AND on the security council, not to mention a member of NATO. We also have MANY treaties. People are concerned about the semantics here. The rule of law and how they can garner leverage politically.
Meanwhile, we're preventing what could have been a near genocidal event. In the past we sat on our rear ends with such events across the globe. Then a lot of people cried foul that we did nothing (as oil wasn't involved).
Now, we do the right thing and the Republican war machinists cry foul; most likely ONLY, because they didn't tell Obama to do it first.
We have foreign obligations; get over it.

Alternative (I'd dare say more realistic view, if you follow history and facts) view says that yes, it's all politics, but that we're not intervening to help, we're using the positive excuse of helping to advance our own interests.

Breaking News: US Directly Taking Sides in Libyan Civil War

Monkey Using Frog as Sex Toy

Democracy Now! Debate on U.S. Military Intervention in Libya

JAPR says...

We only intervene if we have other interests or stand to gain something. We use these positive reasons for intervening in something as a reasonable screen, but ultimately, we just do what the fuck we want and don't care about shit.

blankfist (Member Profile)

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