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Assassination attempt goes wrong in Sofia!

Assassination attempt goes wrong in Sofia!

Hybrid says...

I would believe it was staged if it was obvious... but the beating of the guy at the end, that would be pretty harsh if staged don't you think?

KnivesOut said:

Well, take this with a grain of salt, but the supposedly bulgarian commenters on the Reddit thread are fairly certain that this was staged.

Assassination attempt goes wrong in Sofia!

Assassination attempt goes wrong in Sofia!

Shipping (Sift Talk Post)

Behind the Magic: The Visual Effects of The Avengers

Behind the Magic: The Visual Effects of The Avengers

Posting easy bet videos from Reddit's front page (Sift Talk Post)

Hybrid says...

I don't see anything wrong with it. I mean the top videos on reddit are likely to have been spread around facebook, other forums etc. They are the videos of the moment. Adding them here allows us to discuss them with our unique Videosift opinions and banter.

It would be weird not seeing some of the reddit videos here. VideoSift (as the name implies) is about finding the best videos. If a video has been voted on so many times that it's made it up to the first few pages of reddit, then it's usually got a certain level of quality, uniqueness or interest.

Posting easy bet videos from Reddit's front page (Sift Talk Post)

Hybrid says...

They added a 'Talent Scout' badge here at VideoSift to encourage people to find videos that aren't on the most popular sites like Reddit... but only 2 people have that badge so far... So get hunting!

Russian Extreme Sport Mountain Ball Ends In Tragedy

One man sings The Hobbit's "Misty Mountains"

Tingles (Member Profile)

David Letterman Talks about his Struggles with Depression

kulpims (Member Profile)

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