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Olympics Cameraman Likes Snezana Rodic's Cute Butt!

Harzzach says...

But there is nothing else to Olympia than tight asses. Everyone dopes, the medals dont mean shit, the olympic comitee is a bunch of greedy old assholes, the whole event a stupid commercial sell-out ... so lets focus on beautiful bodies. At least i can fap to this.

StudioADI Starship Troopers Animatronic Effects

Harzzach says...

CGI is not always cheaper. Film producers learned that the hard way. Peter Jackson could have done every set in LotR or The Hobbit with CGI. Instead they build dozens of miniatures and models and animatronics, because it was faster and cheaper for some scenes than fiddling away for months with computer models and the right amount of virtual lighting.

Orangutans Learn to Use iPads

Athletes As Actors? Gary Oldman Has Something To Say...

Man Encounter's Bear While Peeing

Honest Movie Trailers - "Twilight"

Fail Compilation - January 2012

FDR: I Welcome Their Hatred

'Riot' Over $2 Waffle Maker In Walmart - Black Friday 2011

Harzzach says...

The veneer of civilization was always very thin. Evolutionary and biologically, we are still caveman, we are still strongly driven by instincts and not rational thought.

If Quake was developed today...

Harzzach says...

Shooter have NOT evolved. They have devolved into a profit maximized mass product for idiots.

And ...

"Doom/quake/descent/etc appealed to a few thousand PC owners when they were released, the modern-military-competitive-online-multiplayer-first-person-shooters are purchased by millions of console owners on day one."

Lets eat shit. Billions of flies cant be wrong!

Malcolm Gladwell: The strange tale of the Norden bombsight

Harzzach says...

The lesson is: We humans are not capable of considering all variants and variables of a complex reality. We tend to simplify things and use that simplifyed base for our solutions, wondering later, why this very good and ingenious solution did not work as intended, even make things worse than before.

The lesson is: We are not that smart as we think we are!

TYT: GOP Vs 75% Of U.S. on Teachers, Firefighters

Thug Fail

Michele Bachmann is Anti-Vaccination

Michele Bachmann is Anti-Vaccination

Harzzach says...

The heliocentric view follows the liberal agenda of defying and abolishing God. Therefore it has to be removed from school books and shall not be teached at universities.

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