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Roger Federer does it again!

Godless says...

I agree, it does appear like he's doing it on purpose... I guess it's a benign form of trolling, messing up the envelope rather than the content, because he does make sense most of the time... I think...

Yellowc said:

"It's his gimmick, don't fall for the trap. I think he actually spends more time making posts purposely look that bad than if he just wrote them normally."

Advertising swords with middle aged men hacking at meat

Godless says...

I'm still perplexed by this... All jokes aside, I wondered about its intended purpose for a while... Then I found the official website... And this is what it purports:

"it will make short work of pikemen or swordsmen and will prove equally effective against modern rifle butts and bayonets."

?!!??!... What's next? We sail to the Holy Land and free Jerusalem from the Infidels? Deus lo vult?

Woman Enraged Over Chicken Nuggets

Exploding Deer

Godless says...

In Canada, instead of a 150-lb white-tailed (or black-tailed, 'can't tell from the splattered remains shown in the clip) deer crossing the path of your car, you might get a half-ton male moose... Tall as they are, they can go right through the windshield and reduce both driver and front-seat passenger to a pulp.

When you're on a country road near a forest, just... slow down. And be extra careful, especially at night.

Ed Witten , the smartest man on Earth

Godless says...

>> ^raverman:

Isn't that Napoleon Dynamite's brother?

Back in my high school years, I bullied quite a few guys with similar esoteric ramblings expressed in an awfully wimpish voice...

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to my janitor work...

Dogs Wiping Their Bums

Godless says...

>> ^Intrepid:

They are NOT "Wiping Their Bums". Anal sacs (also called "anal glands") are two small glands just inside your pet's anus. The material secreted into these glands is thick and foul-smelling. Most animals can empty these glands voluntarily for scent marking or in self-defense (like a skunk might do). Domestic animals have largely lost their ability to empty these sacs voluntarily. Walking around and normal defecation serves to empty the glands but some animals become unable to empty their glands on their own at all. The sacs become impacted and uncomfortable. Dogs with impacted anal sacs usually scoot their rear on the ground in an attempt to empty the glands.

Phew! Thanks! To think that all these years, I believed my dog was wiping his ass on the carpet while he was actually covering it with thick and foul-smelling anal gunk! 'A load off my mind, I tell ya!...

Dude Cheerleader FTW

Protesters at Cornerstone 2010

Godless says...

"...these morons are the very hypocrisy that drives young people away from Christianity and religion in general"

Hey, whatever works! You'll thank 'em later...

Rowdy Roddy Piper Bottles self, proves point to the mass'

Chivalry in Russia

Godless says...

>> ^messenger:

Getting your jollies is exactly the wrong way to think when you're doing a selfless good deed like this guy. You think he mighta gotten away with copping a feel too? Giving them a little squeeze each?>> ^Godless:
>> ^Krupo:
I know this is cooler and all, but wouldn't it have made SO much more sense to have them get in the car, and drive them to the other side?

Not NEARLY as fun as physically picking them up! If you're gonna perform a good deed, why not make it pleasant and make it last a little longer (they looked cute... from a distance...)?

There is a difference between chivalry and selflessness, you know... Unless you associate the former with "courtly love", as it was celebrated by troubadours in 12th century France. And even back then, 10 times out of ten, it usually had to do with a beautiful young woman... Is that such a terrible thing?

Chivalry in Russia

Godless says...

>> ^Krupo:

I know this is cooler and all, but wouldn't it have made SO much more sense to have them get in the car, and drive them to the other side?

Not NEARLY as fun as physically picking them up! If you're gonna perform a good deed, why not make it pleasant and make it last a little longer (they looked cute... from a distance...)?


Jimmy Kimmel Crew Fights Abortion Protesters

TYT: Cenk Rips Apart Lara Logan over Rolling Stone comments

GPS: Don't Imply Ahmedinejad Is Gay!

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