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Can you do this ?

Couriers catch girl falling from 4th floor with their hands

Inside the Head of a Girl getting Hit On by a Douche

Gilsun says...

This is pretty Sh*te, Cant believe it made top List. Its quite sexist and paints women as powerless. Anything can be over looked in the name of humour, but its also just not funny.

Do Big Cats Like Marmite?

Attacked By Ferrari Owner - Pee Prank

The Simpsons April Fools

This is really clever - a dancing Airplane

Fast Eggs!!!

Gilsun says...

All valid points Griefer. Purhaps just a misleading title then.

griefer_queafer said:

Well, to be totally honest I did not imagine this would make it to the top 15 lol. The reason I thought it was siftable was because he is actually quite fast. I mean, its not some eye-popping speed, and he's not even trying, but that's part of what makes it interesting. This is just an "everyday" speed for these guys, and yet few of us probably imagined that an omlette sandwich could be made so quickly. But beyond that, and I hope this is not just me trying to intellectualize it, I would say that I like the surreal quality of the video (the guy's strange paranoia [or whatever] about the camera, the amount of eggs, and the sounds)... its all just very strange and fun. Like a little uncanny slice of life. I guess part of that depends on my NOT being Indian, but I dunno, that's my take.

CNN Sympathizes with High School Rapists

Gilsun says...

Cry me a f*cking river CNN, THis girl was carried around from party to party, was violated, photographed naked, URINATED ON, and then had the images spread around through social media.. Promising young men dont do that kind of sh*t. Promising young men see that happening and they shut it down and stick up for the poor girls honour. Alcohol is no excuse either.

Michelle Jenneke - Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2013

Launchpad is AWESOME

Gilsun says...

Fantomas, ShakeyMcBones and jmd.

This is NOT DUBSTEP. This electro, im not meaning to be a music snob or anything but when people blanket any thing with a wobble noise in it as dubstep, it continues to lead people astray from what is an awesome genre.

Pls youtube Kode 9, Mala, Breakage, Seven, Kryptic Minds, Youngsta for some actual dubstep.

World's Best Bartender

Gecko Saves His Friend From Snake

Guilty Cat: Cats versus plants. An investigation.

Awesome Dubstep From La Preuve in Paris

Gilsun says...

>> ^Jinx:

This isn't dubstep. Its fucking cool, but please stop calling all music with a bass dubstep zzzzzzz

I could NOT agree more. This is very impressive. and the music is good.. But its not Dubstep. Its just bassline hiphop.

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