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Real Time - New Rule – Learn How to Take a Joke

GenjiKilpatrick jokingly says...

For shame, myself.

You shouldn't be so rude to Intellectually Inferior beings like @bobknight33

Uhp! There I go again being a political-correct hippie liberal..

I meant to say Retard. I shouldn't be so rude to retards like Bobknight.

There we go. Screw you Clintons!

GenjiKilpatrick said:

Is this what you meant by "at least a little intelligent"? lmao.. it's okay. big words are tough. I get it.

Real Time - New Rule – Learn How to Take a Joke

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Lmfao.. dribble? ...seriously.. lol.

You silly old geezer, did you mean.. drivel.. @_@?!

Or are you suggesting my statements of being too.. bouncy?
..or a small trickling stream of droplets..? hehe.

Is this what you meant by "at least a little intelligent"? lmao.. it's okay. big words are tough. I get it.

aah, this is too.. like.. shooting fish in barrel.. with a rocket launcher

Okay okay, now go ahead and deny your incorrect usage of words.

Them please explain to me how your not proving my point with every statement you make. HAH.

bobknight33 said:

What dribble. Please come up with something that is at least a little intelligent.

CNN Found an 'ISIS Flag' at London LGBT Pride

Bill Maher: The United States of You Don’t Wanna Know

CGP Grey: NOT the Confederate Flag

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Because, it would be. Like hitting the reset button.

Symbols have deep meaning like that.

Hence why this topic is so divisive.

Payback said:

Why not keep it and repair the underlying problem instead of pretending a new flag would be a new start?

The littlest rock climber

MIT Students Predict the Robot Apocalypse

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I know, right.

Just illustrates the human inability to comprehend things outside of such small time scales.

Like how The Jetsons was set only 100 years in the future, 2062 AD.

EMPIRE said:

It's always 25-50 years when these type of questions are asked.

Bill Maher: The United States of You Don’t Wanna Know

GenjiKilpatrick says...

His messages wouldn't be as effective.

Rubbing people the wrong way is the best way to get attention.

Without his abrasive style, he would never have gained his platform/s.

artician said:

I wish Maher wasn't so abrasive because he still produces a few of these gems from time to time.

CGP Grey: NOT the Confederate Flag

GenjiKilpatrick says...

In all seriousness.. this.

We should totally draft a new flag. Change the name of the country.

And start trying to make up for all the awful shit that's been done.

Kalle said:

Time to ditch the stars and stripes aswell while your at it.. All that slavery and indian genocide were done under that flag aswell...

Obama's Speech on Same Sex Marriage Ruling

Why you don't harass the Queen's Guard

Real Time - New Rule – Learn How to Take a Joke

Real Time - New Rule – Learn How to Take a Joke

GenjiKilpatrick says...

I don't hate you. Just the stupid opinions you express all the time.

"You're better than that". I know because you've made pretty thoughtful neutral comments on occasion.

[like on the Ann Coulter segment. You at least acknowledge BOTH sides. how liberal of you]

But yeah, you're just stupid.

You claim you aren't a racist.. and then tell me i'm inferior..
Which is THE definition of White Supremacy.. so..

But please, explain to me why is it that..

Blacks are "playing the victim".. but Conservatives aren't?

You got FoxNews, 300,000 Christian Churches, Christmas & Easter, Memorial Day & July 4th, Every President besides Clinton, Carter, Kennedy, & FDR..

Explain how you & @lantern53 aren't just making up problems to complain about?

bobknight33 said:

The difference between you and I is that you HATE me but I don't hate you.
You will always be inferior to me all because you your hatred towards me. Self imposed inferiority. You are better than this. That is one of the problems with liberalism. Everyone is a victim.

Stop being a victim.

TNS- Papa Pope addresses the racism (and racists) in America

GenjiKilpatrick says...

You're fragile. You got aggrieved white man syndrome.. bad.

Your problem is.. you hate thinking.

Stop and ask yourself, why are blacks killing blacks?

Why is Genji saying i'm stirring the pot when I say that.

How does pretending like racist symbols don't bother black people, free them from all the trappings of a deeply racist society?

You think racism only exist in our minds.

You're wrong. But you're just too afraid to admit that.

Ask yourself, "why am I afraid to admit to the truth of my views"?

Why, bob? Why?

bobknight33 said:

As far as what you said ""well black kill blacks more than cops do. " That is a true statement its not pot stirring.

Cat plays dead after being shot by imaginary pistol

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