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I'm not enjoying the trolling on the Sift. (Horrorshow Talk Post)

GDGD says...

Multiple things going on here. I gather what you are saying about people purposely trying to get to you, and no, I do not think that is okay if you are expressing you displeasure and they continue. However, what people choose to promote or not promote is also a form of expression and as you said censorship is not okay. I forget where the quote came from, or if it is even a quote but "You should have the right to go through life without being assaulted, but not offended." This is the phrase that spring to mind when ever someone says 'Fuck' in public as well as other statements 'that is retarded' 'that is gay.' To each person these statements fall onto a different part of the spectrum of their political correctness beliefs.

As for sexist, yes, a video can be sexist, but cannot it not be sexist in a certain way? Sexist without malice or harm in mind. I will admit I have posted several videos with 'the boobies' present in them, but I find them to be done for the artistic/shock/thought purpose, not for the fap purpose. I feel as though @thepinky was dealing with a similar situation here. I do not know how to preceded. Would glorification of the male 'nut-shot' be similar exploitation? (i could see how they could be considered similar in regards to sexism) Because I also enjoy (read: cringe in pain) at a good ball to the groin. As for comparing the situation to racist videos, I would say that the sift does indeed have videos with racism as a 'comedic vehicle.'

Beyond that, all that I can really suggest is to ignore those people that offend you, (both by actually selecting ignore, and by not opening their videos) I know that I use my avatar as my own personal reminder not to sweat whatever other people say or think (quite a challenge).

You not say Ukraine weak!

Wasp Problem? Just Feed them by Hand...

GDGD says...

"Studies have shown that if you desensitize your captive wasps to your fingers and hands from an early stage, they will become used to you and not react in an aggressive manor. And, when workers come, the queen's body language around you will influence the workers' behavior too."

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