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Walk of NO shame with Amber Rose

Enzoblue says...

This is actually important to me, i believe that slut shaming is the root of pretty much all evil where women are concerned. A good thought experiment to think how their lives would be if it wasn't an issue.


Visor Cam with Patrick Long 1975 Porsche 911 3.0 Carrera RSR

Karate Kid : Daniel is the REAL Bully

Magician Dan White Blows Jimmy Fallon's Mind

Kid Edits A Video Of A Day On The Lake With His Family

Our Greatest Delusion As Humans - Veritasium

Enzoblue says...

I think this guy lost his way somewhere.. I'm not smart enough to know exactly where, but i can comfortably say this: time isn't running out, when you say that you're not understanding time.

FlowersInHisHair (Member Profile)

Enzoblue says...

Thank you! Thanks for noting the spelling too, I hate when i make mistakes like that, but even worse when no one points them out to me. Glad to get you to this find.

FlowersInHisHair said:

Hello! Thank you for the Liza Minnelli sift - I'd not seen that clip before and I'm a huge Liza Minnelli fan, so it's quite a find and I'm very grateful!

Minor note: I kind of hate myself for pointing it out - please forgive the pedantry, but could you correct the spelling of "Minnelli" in the the video title? There should be 2 N's in Minnelli.

TED Talks - Monica Lewinsky: The price of shame

Enzoblue says...

Can't remember all, but Genji was a heavy Sarkeesian hater and this made me think of that in the sense that we shouldn't focus on the person, but rather the ideas they have or situations they get caught in maybe.

bobknight33 said:

Why do you say these words?

Downhill mountain bike run, filmed cinematically in one take

Bernie Sanders Talks to Vox

Enzoblue says...

I actually don't like watching stuff like this.. so many 'how it should be's', and 'I full support this's, stuff you know will never happen and it just makes me sad i wasn't born in Denmark or wherever.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Enzoblue says...

Well said man.

Mordhaus said:

You do not HAVE to talk to a police officer. You MAY have to show ID depending on the state, but in most cases you do NOT have to show ID unless you are driving or were recently driving a vehicle. At the time he began walking he was not currently being detained for a crime.

If you follow the video link, you will see there is an abundance of information, including legal statements from the state AG that indicate that the officers had NO LEGAL CAUSE to arrest or detain the person filming and were incorrect in charging him with OoJ.

What happened here is that the cop got pissed that someone was filming him, decided he wanted to toss his weight around a bit, and then got further pissed off when his posturing was ignored. He is a cop, damnit, and people should quake in their boots when he is talking to them.

That is the problem with our police officers today. They have this idea that they are special and should be treated as such, when in reality they are simply public servants, OUR servants. We pay their salary to, thoeretically, protect and serve us. We do not pay them so we can serve them and kneel at their beck and call.

There are still officers out there that believe that way, but they are scared or unwilling to out the majority who do not. Until they do, they are no better in the end. For instance, the SGT who showed up on scene could have said that this was incorrect procedure, apologized, and punished the fucker who started it. But no, gotta stick to the thin blue line and back up the fuckup who got pissed about being filmed. Now they all get in trouble, more respect is lost for police, and the county will likely get sued. All because one guy got pissy about being filmed.

Free the Nipple!

Woman gives birth to 10lb baby in car

The ropes are looking a little frayed

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