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Wanderers - a short film by Erik Wernquist

ELee says...

It looks like an O'Neill colony (or A.C.Clarke's Rama), but on Erik Wernquist's web page, it says this is a large asteroid hollowed out (7 km internal diameter) and spun up to provide artificial gravity. It would need to be a strong asteroid to hold together - but that would also make it hard to hollow out. Interesting concept. Who knows what wonders may be possible in the future?'Neill_cylinder

newtboy said:

Is that Rama at 2:15?

The Newsroom's Take On Global Warming-Fact Checked

ELee says...

The well-funded campaign to cast doubt on climate change science has very little imagination. They simply accuse scientists of what they do - distorting data for financial gain to please some powerful interests. The fossil fuel industry does this every day. The expanding global community of scientists, in many disciplines, with ~100,000 research projects, does not. The effects of climate change are already being felt. For example, tens of thousands are dying in Bangladesh from increased flooding and storms. The difference now is that leaders in Bangladesh, and people around the world, are blaming this on the history of greenhouse gas emissions - dominated by the US. (China is a new contributor, most of the historical emissions have come from the US.) Bangladesh is now expecting numbers of climate refugees in the 10s of millions in coming decades. Around the world, the refugee crisis could easily exceed that of the 50M during WWII. And they will know who to blame.

Deleted scene from Alien shows different reproductive cycle

Excalibur artillery shell

16 inch gun training of an Iowa class Battleship

On Holiday In America: Day One

The Pentagon Wars -- A product management lesson

Russian aircraft with a HUGE rocket fuel tank on its back

Mass Incarceration in the US - Vlogbrothers

How the gears in a car transmission work

ELee says...

They wanted to add excitement. (In the DVD extras for this clip, you get to see she was headed for a cliff, with a flaming gasoline truck chasing her.)

xxovercastxx said:

I was a little surprised to see them use a woman as the driver in 1936. Perhaps I'm underestimating my grandparents' generation.

History Channel's "The Bible" ~ In Under 10 Minutes

Global warming or unicorns? Which do you believe in?

Customer Service In Japan . . . Wait for it

Jon Stewart Addresses Russian Dashcam Videos

ELee says...

Especially with zor on the loose!

zor said:

I'd like to do a little crowd sourcing here: what is the best kind of dash cam to buy and from where? Every American needs one of these like an AR-15 on the mantle. Msg me or reply here.

Gorgeous video of the DA14 asteroid flying by

ELee says...

Great coincidence of different objects going overhead! (If I tried that, it would just be a bunch of aircraft going to the 4 international airports nearby.)

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