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Comparing Pitstops Across Motorsports

Star Citizen message to E3

Why the UK Election Results are Worst in History - CGP Grey

Dumdeedum says...

It's a tricky one. On one hand it could be improved, but on the other hand I'm happy with a system that converted UKIP's (Team Purple) 13% into 0%.

Well happy with that part, less happy about being stuck with the bloody Tories for another five years.

Is that a... SWIMMING POOL under your lawn?!

Dumdeedum says...

I think it'd almost have to be fake grass, otherwise you'd wind up with bits of grass and earth finding their way into the pool. Plus you wouldn't be able to leave the pool open for extended periods or the grass would die. Fake grass will also be lighter and while it looks like it's a single platform here, you could theoretically build one that coils/stacks away to save space.

Cyclist Experiences the Effects of Instant Karma

Dumdeedum says...

Fault is a tricky one there, on a normal road the car would be at fault and on a road with a bike lane the bike would be. In the video the honking happens just as the cycle lane ends so it's a bit of a grey area.

That said, he should have checked behind him and shouldn't have taken offence at the horn.

The Truth About Toilet Swirl - Northern Hemisphere

Dumdeedum says...

I'd prefer this be replicated more times and by different people before I'm going to take it as gospel. Sealing the top to avoid air currents, and having the pool empty straight down (no bend under the outflow) would help too.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Why Do Paper Cuts Hurt So Much?

Don't ever want to cross a street again. Ever

Brits watch Documentary About An Americans Giant Ball Sack

Dumdeedum says...

Sadly this Brit can't comment on those Brits commenting on a documentary about an American's giant ball sack because Channel 4 have blocked it.

The Thing's Defibrillator Chest Chomp - Art of the Scene

Dumdeedum says...

That should happen every time a show or movie uses defibrillators, then maybe they won't be incorrectly thought of as magic bring-people-back-to-life machines.

Good movie though, I only first saw it a year or three back and it's still creepy.

BB-8 droid from The Force Awakens Rolls out on stage

Dumdeedum says...

It occurs to me you could probably manage it without too much in the way of Segway-esque magic. Have the outer shell as you'd expect, basically a big hamster ball, then a second ball inside it with all the clever stuff.

For the inside inside have most of the lower half be ballast of some sort - battery packs would be ideal for that - then 8 or so wheels pushing against the outer shell so you can move in a decent number of directions (might have to retract the wheels perpendicular to the direction of movement unless there's a more elegant solution I'm missing).

Then finally for the upper half make a very smooth dome, put a little cart on it whose position you can adjust with a couple of cables, stick a couple of strong magnets on the cart (need a motor on the cart too so you can rotate the head).

This is all based on my years of not having done anything remotely connected to model building!

Slow-motion camera slows kitties WAY down

Feeding Time for A Male Hypo Leatherback Bearded Dragon

Selfie Shoes by Miz Mooz

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