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Hexagon cake knife? Hexagon cake knife. Hexagon cake knife!

Dumdeedum says...

Someone should invent some way of making tiny little cakes. You could even have each small cake enclosed in a paper cup to keep the inside moist and allow easy handling.

Penn & Teller: Fool Us // Kostya Kimlat Makes Penn Mad

Dumdeedum says...

Digging through the YouTube comments followed by a little further searching, yeah, apparently the basic idea is he's sorting the cards face-up/face down underneath as he fans them out near the end. A description which probably doesn't do justice to the amount of dexterity & concentration required while also keeping up the patter.

Inevitably you can also buy the technique video from the guy's website:

LiipSyncing a 7 hour road trip

Quentin Tarantino's 'The Hateful Eight' Official Trailer

How I won the lottery

Dumdeedum says...

The second half where he explains the joke possibly isn't necessary and the first half could have been tightened down to 4-5 minutes, but otherwise this was beautiful satire.

It's also a good example of why I hate people who post online about how they built up a successful business or whatever and poor people would be fine if they just did the same. Hard work improves one's odds, certainly, but you're still mostly at the mercy of chance and that's why I think societies should have a strong safety net for those who do everything "right" but still fall down.

The Lexus Hoverboard - It's Real!

Jim Henson vs Stan Lee. Epic Rap Battles of History Season 4

Rubik's Cube Magician Steven Brundage fools Penn & Teller...

Dumdeedum says...

You can make a cube appear mixed up with surprisingly few moves, so given how practised he is with one hand (wink wink) I think most if not all of his tricks could just be being very good at memorising cube positions and then doing the moves needed "blind".

It doesn't hurt that people are unfamiliar with the cubes compared with cards for tricks either.

How to start a VW Beetle with a flat battery

Man Stuns Family By Shaving Off His Beard After 14 Years

Europe"s Strongest Man 2015 - "The Mountain"

Why are these people standing so close to the course?

Dumdeedum says...

Every few years a spectator or three does get flattened, but not much ever gets changed so I figure it's deemed acceptable losses.

Rally is the only motorsport I have any time for, but I've never wanted to see it in person - standing watching them go round one corner can't compare to the televised version with its in-car, helicopter and crane-mounted cameras.

Adam Savage and Astronaut C. Hatfield incognito @Comic-Con

Dumdeedum says...

With his celebrity status it's sometimes easy to forget Hadfield is a (albeit retired) astronaut and so is super healthy and technically competent.

They should have skipped the convention and just talked suit engineering instead!

"YOU are WORTHLESS" -the economy

Girls Get Rear Ended By Multiple Wieners...And More

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