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Woman Viciously Assaults Police Officer

Woman Viciously Assaults Police Officer

CyberViperDriver says...

Your right, all those things totally matter. just like my dad having a bad day at the office made it more ok to smack around my mom.

I think its pretty evident from his demeanor and inflection that he intends to be obeyed no matter his command, it wouldn't matter what the command was, she had better damned well obey him right fucking rickey tick. she didn't bow down so she paid the price...most likely with a felony conviction if they did indeed write it up as assaulting an officer.

Oh and FUCK YOU and your nice try bullshit. just cause you do not agree with my premise gives you no right to snark off and imply that my statement was no more than a failed attempt at forming a coherent thought. the criteria for coherent thought of course being a thought that you agree with.

using bubbles being blown in your vicinity is simply a sad excuse to punish someone for whatever reason. whether it was a standard cop-god complex or that he simply was offended (as so many conservatives are) that people have the audacity to gather and protest know, unless your a teabagger.

not saying that I think he is a conservative just pointing out that there could indeed be many reasons for his shitty attitude, and none of them justify his actions.

Fresno Police Officers Violent Arrest of a Homeless Man

CyberViperDriver says...

Go back to sleep america.

You did not see this video.

Go back to sleep america.

You did not see this video.

A reward has been offered for information regarding the vile perpetrator behind filming this gross misrepresentation of these brave officers actions. the reward can be claimed at your local precinct after the standard polygraph and DNA logging. your cooperation is appreciated citizen.

Woman Viciously Assaults Police Officer

CyberViperDriver says...

once again the majority of people seem to be missing the real point of this type of situation. The officer was angry, why was he angry? because his god complex was being threatened. after all, he is the defender of justice and peace, he should be obeyed at all times and without question. It was your parents responsibility to raise you till 18, and when you hit the mean streets of Toronto it became officer bobs job to parent and guide you. Do not disobey officer bob or he will put you in time out.

jesus fucking christ people. I've seen that sort of face before, that aggressive arm-crossed forward lean. the clenched teeth barely containing his anger my father used to act like that too my mom...and if she continued to talk back she would spend a few minutes in the bathroom cleaning herself up after he bloodied her nose.

Law enforcement is one thing, and its a good thing. But control freak sociopaths seem to be attracted to a job where you can carry a weapon and boss people around...imagine that. I'm sure though that when hes off his shift he's a great normal guy. so was my dad.

I would expect this sort of thing as normal now here in the U.S. but to see if happening in Canada every G20 is sort of disheartening. as long as people keep cowing down to more and more ridiculous demands, soon there will be nothing left. imagine a time where people are subjected to a curfew because the G20 is in town... its coming. your lowly proletariat concerns will not be allowed to disturb the actions of your masters. they have to meet in order to decide how best to manage you and your fellow cattle. a duly appointed representative will be by later to make certain you have food. do not leave your home on pain of arrest or death.

The sad thing is I don't believe there is any way for us as a people to avoid this future of subjugation. were too fucking stupid. we breed when we cant afford too. we vegetate in front of our versions of "ow my balls" and we aren't, as a people particularly concerned with anything at all until it directly affects us. and by then it is usually well and gone too late.

Christopher Hitchens has cancer!

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QI Driving Licences

OK Go - "End Love"

CyberViperDriver says...

I think its safe to say that the goose is the star of this video. he was just all up in their shot for more than a day of filming. though I don't really enjoy their music I always marvel at the planning and execution of these videos.

I came here to upload this video so have an upvote!

Mini Oil Spill Cleanup Demo - CTV's Canada AM

Mini Oil Spill Cleanup Demo - CTV's Canada AM

Drunken Midgets Run Amok

CyberViperDriver says...

this seems to be a *dupeof=

I logged in tonight to post this very video..quite random, and I think the laughter will haunt my dreams tonight.

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