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Automated Minigun Paintball Turret + Portal Voice = Win

Slovak Government May Institute Roma "Solution"

Restore Stephen Baldwin

Ted talk: What if there's somebody else out there?

Freedom of speech should only go so far? (Philosophy Talk Post)

Crake says...

^but "beating [people] up or worse" is against the law, you know, so it's not reasonable to just say "well he got what was coming to him", even if that's your emotional reaction.
The consequences of allowing violence or some kind of "self defense" in response to provocation are much worse than any offensive remark, because of the subjective, legally inscrutable nature of offensiveness.

Why bother posting vids to the video sift (Wtf Talk Post)

Sword & Sorcery: amazing new game for iPhone

Crake says...

reminds me of Knytt.

But i thought it was just a music video using 16-bit graphics and lucasarts-style action verbs for fun. I don't see much gameplay here, but it might work. Knytt sure does, despite being very slow and quiet.

The Story Behind WikiLeaks 'Collateral Murder' Video

Crake says...

>> ^alizarin:

>> ^Crake:
RT is not Reuters, but 'Russia Today', not quite as reputable afaik. Tag change plz?

1) The story is about Reuters reporters being shot, that's what the tag is about I'm sure.
2) Does reputability come into it if it's an isolated interview?

Oooh right... hadn't thought that far. But yes, reputability is pretty important in any case, but the RT logo is right there on the screen I guess, so it's not a biggie.

The Story Behind WikiLeaks 'Collateral Murder' Video

Crysis 2 Trailer

Gary Vaynerchuk: Do What You Love (No Excuses!)

Scott Berkun Lecture: The Myths of Innovation

Dunlop Tires Commercial + Velvet Underground = WTF?

Wilhelm: The New Channel in town and a new invocation too! (Happy Talk Post)

Crake says...

>> ^EDD:

I'm sorry, mate, but... seriously? (this goes out to dag as well, because he authorized it, while I was advised less than a year ago that my channel considerations, culture (admittedly, non-feasible because of cult anyway), education or water might be too niche)
Did we really need a channel this specific that it will probably end up having <100 videos in it? Couldn't you've gone with Audio or something, at the very least? And I won't even start debating the relevance of the scream as a 2-second special effect in, let's say, a movie clip that lasts minutes. I'm really sorry, but I honestly don't think this was a channel we needed.

I can see why it's a bit of a snub (and i really want to see a *water channel as well), but i don't think it has to be about need, just want - a meta-gag for a gag concept, to keep some levity in the channel catalog.

Southland Tales Trailer

Crake says...

I thought this movie was great. Full Disclosure, I didn't know it was a Richard Kelly movie until half way through when I imdb'd it out of sheer wtf-ness. I thought it was some kind of comedy version of Von Trier or David Lynch.
Not to say that it didn't make ANY sense though, i thought the casting of the Rock and various icons of L.A. superficiality (Buffy the valleygirl, JT, etc) was nice, and added to the feeling of airheaded people taking themselves VERY seriously and not having a clue what's going on.

Also, This.

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