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artician (Member Profile)

Confucius says...

I agree...whats his face fits tony stark perfectly....HUgh jackman though kinda sucked imo...way to PG...too clean, not believably grundgy, dark, conflicted enough for the role (although he looked the part closely enough though).

In reply to this comment by artician:
>> ^Shepppard:

Ohh, that awesome genius billionaire playboy philanthropist.

He's really the only guys I'd see this for. He fits that character so well, in the same way Wolverine was so aptly cast in the Xmen films. I really wish all of these films were handled with that level of perfection, though I know that's fantasy, it would be phenomenal for everyone to see their favorite superhero portrayed by someone who had that perfect "thing" for the role.

Just Out For A Walk With Their 42 Saint Bernards

Swarm of Nano Quadrotors

Road rage - I'm calling the police

Confucius says...

But see...dum dum...we're not talking about you. Stop thinking about only yourself. Expand your mind to other people and adopt THEIR perspective. Stop being selfish and narrow minded.

You said that that it doesnt matter because there were no emergency vehicles at the moment. REALLY??? What if there were? What if there are the next time?

It sounds like you're encouraging people to do this. Who gives YOU or HER the right to impose themselves on you or others? Can you imagine if someone did this to her and caused her delay?

Why is it okay for her to do this? Because it only inconveniences ppl for 10 mins? REALLY?

You dont think EVERYONE wants to just park wherever tf they want to? I feel like im talking to a third grader....If she in your weirdo world can do it then everyone should be able to do it. Then there would be no traffic problem AT ALL because the city would be one giant parking lot. No inconvenience then because there wouldnt even be a point in getting in your car.

This could go on forever. This is my last post on this vid.

>> ^longde:

I am quite used to gridlock and delay and have learned to take it in stride. I live and work in areas where it takes an hour to go 1 mile at peak rush hour. I regularly get held up for an hour or more. Two days ago, on a layover on a 30 hour flight, our plane was delayed for 50 minutes.
To only be inconvenienced for 10 minutes at a time would actually be a great improvement.
So, thank you for your ironic wish. I in turn sincerely hope you develop some patience and fortitude.>> ^Confucius:
May you be inconvenienced for 10 minutes many many times until YOU gain some perspective.......and half a brain.
>> ^longde:
There was no emergency vehicle.
It's not a big deal; and I hate to wait in traffic. If you think 10 minutes is a big deal, the problem with that attitude and this video is that people don't know how to keep things in perspective, and want to escalate everything into a mountain. What's next, honor killings 'cause I cut you off in traffic?
>> ^BoneRemake:
>> ^longde:
Yes, she blocked the street. Big fucking deal. Yes she was an asshole, but the blocked drivers were delayed for what, 5-10 minutes?
I would think that when the guy has posted her name, number, and business, inciting people to harass the woman, he opened himself to prosecution or a lawsuit. Or some heavy retaliation. If I was directly responsible for kicking bread out of someone's mouth, I would be constantly looking over my shoulder.

Yea no big fuckin deal at all unless there is an emergency vehicle that needs to get by, or you are on your break and going back to work, or maybe going to pick your kid up from your asshole insignificant other. BUT BIG FUCKIN DEAL IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYWHERE TO BE AT THE MOMENT.

Road rage - I'm calling the police

Confucius says...

May you be inconvenienced for 10 minutes many many times until YOU gain some perspective.......and half a brain.

>> ^longde:

There was no emergency vehicle.
It's not a big deal; and I hate to wait in traffic. If you think 10 minutes is a big deal, the problem with that attitude and this video is that people don't know how to keep things in perspective, and want to escalate everything into a mountain. What's next, honor killings 'cause I cut you off in traffic?
>> ^BoneRemake:
>> ^longde:
Yes, she blocked the street. Big fucking deal. Yes she was an asshole, but the blocked drivers were delayed for what, 5-10 minutes?
I would think that when the guy has posted her name, number, and business, inciting people to harass the woman, he opened himself to prosecution or a lawsuit. Or some heavy retaliation. If I was directly responsible for kicking bread out of someone's mouth, I would be constantly looking over my shoulder.

Yea no big fuckin deal at all unless there is an emergency vehicle that needs to get by, or you are on your break and going back to work, or maybe going to pick your kid up from your asshole insignificant other. BUT BIG FUCKIN DEAL IF YOU DONT HAVE ANYWHERE TO BE AT THE MOMENT.

CATPOWER - WEREWOLF florian rietze edit

Confucius says...

Wow.....I was just about to say the samething then i scrolled down and saw your comment....One of two things....horrible dancer or dancing to a different song.

But yeah....not really the point.

A Train Instead of a Waitress!


Icy Steet in Utah

Confucius jokingly says...

>> ^dhdigital:
I'd like to say I feel bad, but I don't. Looking at the way the trucks struggled, I'm willing to say there were rain tires on some of these vehicles. Given the speed of some drivers, I'm betting they thought the AWD/4WD would allow them to make it. Its not okay to think that you can just get by 'this once,' because there are a pile of other drivers thinking the same. Just stupid.

Jesus said "Let he who has not erred throw the first stone" *Looks over shoulder* "Oh nevermind, I see dhdigital has already pegged her to death."

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