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A hearty thanks to all here at Videoshift (Happy Talk Post)

Username Fix Requests Go Here (Sift Talk Post)

CaptainPlanet420 says...

More confusion around here than trying to find where the Half Black Kenyan was really born. I fixed my name really easily, anyone who wants help, let me know!

Recovering from Our Loss (Wtf Talk Post)

A hearty thanks to all here at Videoshift (Happy Talk Post)

The most amazing ukelele playing you will ever see (Jake Shimabukuro)

BREAKING NEWS US Airways Plane Crashes in Hudson River

Downvote Bias? (Sift Talk Post)

New Promoted Listing (Sift Talk Post)

Downvote Bias? (Sift Talk Post)

Countdown: Bush's Destructive Legacy

New Promoted Listing (Sift Talk Post)

Videosift deathpool variation (take 2) (Terrible Talk Post)

One small prediction (Politics Talk Post)

CaptainPlanet420 says...

>> ^volumptuous:
>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
Man I really hit this one, and I didn't even now about the bill they're already trying to slip in. quality

If by "they" you mean "one person."
Do you know how many useless resolutions are brought before congress every year?

Here's a few:
Title: A resolution congratulating the University of Florida football team for winning the 2008 Bowl Championship Series (BCS) national championship.
Title: Honoring the contributions of Catholic schools.
Title: Recognizing the significant contribution coaches make in the life of children who participate in organized sports and supporting the goals and ideals of National Coaches Appreciation Week
Title: A resolution expressing the support for prayer at school board meetings.

Oh, and those were all brought to the floor by the GOP.

I see nothing in your post except a general disdain for sports and religion. Not uncommon to a member of the Videoshift Intelligenstia.

Open message to cheapos (Commercial Talk Post)

CaptainPlanet420 says...

>> ^joedirt:
Umm.. nevermind I guess. I didn't read dags post. If krupo or someone can confirm the internet ad revenue dropped off a cliff, then this won't matter. 100 times nothing is still nothing.
I read scarier news about deflation, so it looks like we're all screwed when companies start dropping wages at the same time the US is printing money like they are trying to support Brazilian deforestation.

Welcome to today!


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