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Orca feeding on a stingray and the aftermath (of giant Rays)

Star Wars with Cats

Star Wars with Cats

Gal Gadot and Amy Adams slept together

Buck says...

I think Gal is beautiful and this video sent me on a stream of her interviews. She sounds very sweet and kind. Her english has caused some laughs in a few vids I saw. I really like her. After watching a few interviews of her and her shyness this makes this video even cuter. She is blushing. *promote for 2 more votes.

Tech Giant Slowly Strangling Independent Media & Free Speech

Gal Gadot and Amy Adams slept together

Gal Gadot and Amy Adams slept together

Do Not Abandon Your Pet

Buck says...

I'm not watching this video as I think I would cry. Seriously. My dogs, I couldn't imagine their fear of being left. *trigger warning* needed on the video?

Star Wars Danceoff

Buck says...

I was stopping 10 min in, then read your comment. Stayed for Leia and Padme. Not disappointing

ChaosEngine said:

I saw the first few minutes and I was ready to hate this.

Then I skimmed through and....

It's Chewie in a crown and sunglasses dancing with Leia, Padme and Ahsoka(?) to "hey ya".

I just can't hate that.

Sarah Silverman Loves America | Real Time with Bill Maher

15 ft white shark in 3 ft of water

"The Room" - Funniest Scenes

The First 6 Missions | Season 1 | THE ORVILLE

eric3579 (Member Profile)

ABC News: Purity Balls: Lifting the Veil on Special Ceremony

Buck says...

*promote *discuss This has 16 passionate comments, but 4 votes. Isn't the point of the sift to have vids like this and conversations like this? 4 votes?

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