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Cop Slams Special Needs Student To The Ground For Dress Code

Don't mess with cross-dressers!

Elephant giving birth

Fox's Shep Smith Argues In Favor Of Public Option

BreaksTheEarth says...

Public option killed. Situation normal.

This country has becomes too big, too bureaucratic and too corrupt to do the right thing in any situation.

I am glad that I am in the UK right now. My monthly premium was $300 in the US. That is what I call a crippling financial burden for someone in their 20s.

Fuck you Senator John Barrasso. I cannot believe that you call yourself a doctor.

Charles Bukowski - Fire Station (For Jane With Love)

Former Miss South Carolina Teen USA Gets Crackin'

What are your favorite sites other than VideoSift? (Sift Talk Post)

Seth Green Freaking out on Set

How To Make a Stink Bomb

Gwiz Wrestles His Diamond Away from Brock Samson (Talks Talk Post)

Richard Dawkins on Real Time with Bill Maher 10/2/09

Madonna Vs Lady Gaga on SNL. yaya catfight

Comedy Central just got worse (Wtf Talk Post)

Eklek (Member Profile)

Bill Hicks - Blowjobs

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