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Off-road truck plows into crowd in California 8/14

Bloocut says...

>> ^robbersdog49:

This video needs getting rid of. The rules are pretty simple on this:
"The presence of human fatality is acceptable and not considered "snuff" if presented as a limited portion of a lengthy educational, informative news report or documentary. Our definition of "snuff" does include but is not exclusive to any short clip in which a human fatality occurs whether or not any victims are actually visible on camera. "
This is snuff as defined by video sift. Get it out of here.

Agree with you in principle, but I'd rather it gone because it does not represent the best of anything in the form of web video content. I can watch COPS or Telemundo if I desire to gawk at human foibles involving violent, accidental, or purposeful fatalities. I would vote nay if i could.

Gingrich: "I'm Deeply Worried"

Bloocut says...

>> ^enoch:

this is pure fear-mongering and nothing more.
be afraid of the brown people and while we do that lets ignore the massive amounts of information giving context to the current situation and lets instead focus on the things that will instill fear.
gingrich is part of the problem.
perpetuating a false dichotomy based on misinformation and hyperbolic language which is meant solely to incite fear and offers absolutely nothing in the form of a resolution or even a modicum of contextual understanding.
gingrish is a consumate politician who pounds the fear drum like a pro.
fuck that opportunistic whore.
he would sell your grandmothers dentures if he thought it would further his relevancy.

You forgot to mention that the National Press Club is a group of persons organized for a political purpose-to hell with those reporting, taping, editing, and broadcasting this treasonous dribble. Create the terrorists then demand action against them??
Americans created this monster through complacency, self-indulgence, and submission to faulty programming. Anyone with an opinion other than that have been bamboozled into thinking there is any other form of terrorism than domestic (by the way, even more so under the current administration), needs their heads scrubbed.

Dr. Laura's Racist Tirade: 11 N-Words in Five Minutes

Bloocut says...

" being distraught over for having been called a nigger in her own home."-Nope wrong, she did not say that she was nor did Dr. Laura call her one...inflammatory, over-reaction on your part though I am willing to listen again-Oh and, she did not extend the hypersensitivity to the entire population, merely to the more outspoken pundits and reactionaries.
To answer your questions in order:
1. No
2. Yes
3. Yes and no-Not neutral or smiley, but acceptable among familiars.
In this particular day-and-age context, one could equate the term "nigga" used informally among black men who are kindred spirits to the term "queen" or "mary" used similarly among gay men or women.
Its unfortunate that anyone be the target of a comment directed towards them with clearly racial overtones. I am assuming that you are not a Caucasian or Asian and that you have a series of responses to blatant or cloaked racist terminology in any context. Am I wrong to assume that the term "black folks" is also offensive vernacular? If so, I apologize.

I agree that madam uber bitch was a bit hard on the woman who clearly takes issue with the situation within her household. I do not however, based on the segment presented believe that Dr. Laura suffers from anything more than rabid-bitch-when-it-comes-to-idiots syndrome. It comes with her territory of screening calls for the best brand drama her show affords and telling people (mostly emotionally frazzled females from America), that they need to ditch their emotionally-based responses to situations and take practical measures to deal with their problems. She's got extremely conservative views regarding sexuality and same sex couples and has pissed off most gay people in the world as well

I believe this video offering to be a similarly emotionally-charged response to an issue which is particularly personal to yourself, and you used it as a pulpit from which to decry injustice.
If the world would have never experienced the brand of slavery the Americas served up we would not be having these conversations.
Thanks a lot, empire.

Dr. Laura's Racist Tirade: 11 N-Words in Five Minutes

Bloocut says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Yes, it's appropriate for anyone of any skin tone to say the word nigger.
It's a word like any other.
No, it's NOT appropriate however [not to mention blatantly racist as all get out] to say the word nigger 11 times in-a-row then go off on an Obama tangent.
It's hurtful and hateful and clearly spawned from pent up racial prejudice.

Do you have enough information to make a judgment call? Clearly not. Where is pent up racial prejudice contained in Dr.Laura's tirade? Is it her Jewish heritage that gives you the clue? Her valid observations as to the motivations for a large segment of the US voting for Obama and the colloquial terminology among many people of color, i.e. black folks? Perhaps it's her tone and delivery. Oh wait. She used the word "nigger" in the context of the conversation.

You may be right though you can't make a decision based upon this clip-The woman has a hard-on for confrontation with idiots who know next to nothing about raising children from what I can remember about her-She's always been an asshole and a salty, surly dame and pulls no punches when it comes to whiny idiots who call her for advice. Part of her persona to shock folks, doubt she's completely unaffected by racism like you appear CLEARLY to be.

9/11 Images On NYC Buses

Bloocut says...

Politics, sports, religions? All are used to manipulate an otherwise fruitful, untainted mind. People are highly programmable and susceptible to bullshit when using the right emotional associations, especially where their mortality is at stake.

Outlaw shit-think and a new world begins.

JetBlue Flight Attendant Arrested

Record plastic levels in Atlantic "It's an historic day..."

Bloocut says...

They will not be dead kranz, and you may still eat fish. Just ate some Talapia treated with carbon monoxide to preserve natural color, and I'm fine.
Life kills you, environments kill you, live it up. We're at another crossroads in global evolution and YOU ARE HERE NOW! *smacks ceviche.

This is what bored sheikhs do to their cars...

Bloocut says...

You can take the sheik out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the sheik-The white house with gold accents?? Style and class be damned, these petro-pimps need a good knee-cappin'! Oh, and where are all of their bitches?? In a closet wearing shuttlecock burqas?

Samurai Sword Vs. BB

Sheena is a punk rocker

Strippers turn the tables on judgmental church

Bloocut says...

>> ^hpqp:

How unsurprising: the hick-town strippers have more intelligence and ethical insight than the local pastor... but it's the Manichean idiot who gets the followers

Ahhh, but he only gets followers once on Sunday and these lot-lizard beauties have their congregation 7 nights a week!

This Looks Wicked - The Loved Ones

Cops Draw Guns During Raw Milk Raid!

Bloocut says...

Just like big pharmy hates marijuana for obvious reasons, big dairy hats raw milk. Unpasteurized means uncontrolled. The cops are simply doing their simpleton jobs: enforcing the control apparatus.

How many thousands of years have humans consumed unpasteurized dairy?

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