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First Microwave Upgrade in Forever: Infrared Heat Sensor

Baristan says...

Need a steerable phased array of microwave emitters, along with the IR-camera. Could evenly heat food with varying water concentrations. A good use of that military radar tech.

PHJF said:

Yeah but is it going to automatically stir my god damn spaghetti so the outer rim isn't molten lava while the core is frozen solid?

VideoSift v6 (VS6) Beta Video Page (Sift Talk Post)

Baristan says...

I always see 50% of waisted horizontal space on the sides on this site. Could you change

section > .content-box {
width: 980px;
width: 90%;

Pasco police pursuing, and shooting, an unarmed man

Riding Light: A journey of a photon through our solar system

Game of Thrones Season 5 Trailer

How an Aussie postman deals with dogs

Helicopter crop dusting in Kentucky

Baristan says...

Twice I've seen crop dusters come close enough to move wires. Missed seeing one snag a wire by a few minutes. Watched him fly for a bit and was heading home. Even 1/2 mile away I could hear the crash. Did a belly landing in the field, but luckily he was fine.
Still cringe whenever I see a plane fly anywhere near a power line.

SFOGuy said:

Boy, that telephone/electrical wire gives me the heebie jeebies...(the one you can see between the tanker and the field, on the poles, in the early outside of the chopper shots)

Hazel Findlay, Spice Girl. First Female E9 - Scary!

Coca Cola vs Coca Cola Zero - Sugar Test

Baristan says...

Yes. Tried one over a year ago and liked it, but the co2 refills cost more than buying 2L seltzer from the grocery store. Just looked up the local refill prices. They have dropped to less than $15 for the "60L" (two friends tested and averages about 40L per bottle). It was 15% more expensive(ignoring water cost and "saving the environment"). Now it's 25% cheaper. Will have to pick one up.

Payback said:

Ever thought of Sodastream?

Coca Cola vs Coca Cola Zero - Sugar Test

Baristan says...

High fructose corn sugar is about 55% fructose and 45% glucose.
"Table sugar" ie sucrose is about 50% fructose and 50% glucose.

Glucose is not fine. You gain the same amount of weight regardless of the type of sugar. Glucose can still kill you, but fructose is worse. It has shown some insulin resistance and also increased cholesterol levels.

HFCS is not much worse for you than table sugar, but it is worse than dextrose(ie d-glucose). Why don't more people use dextrose? It requires 3 times as much dextrose to achieve the same taste as HFCS. I'm still not sure which is worse.

PS: Both HFCS and dextrose are made from corn.

ChaosEngine said:

That's the thing, most "sugar" in coke and other processed food isn't glucose, it's fructose.

Glucose is fine and your body can store heaps of it. Fructose is basically alcohol with the buzz.

Coca Cola vs Coca Cola Zero - Sugar Test

Baristan says...

Same here I used to get headaches from diet soda as a child. I still refuse to drink anything with aspartame in it. Wish someone would sell pop with less sweeteners. I find them all too sweet to drink.

Sugar is good in small amounts. The amount in pop is very unhealthy. Even drinking too much water can cause seizures.

CrushBug said:

Some people have sensitivity to Aspartame. I used to get headaches when I was younger from drinking Diet Coke, and it was a co-worker that suggested Aspartame could be the cause. I stopped drinking Diet Coke and the frequent headaches went away.

I drink Coke Zero now, but not as much as I used to, and it doesn't bother me. Coke is still the only thing I will drink rum with.

Postmodern Jukebox ft Morgan James - Take Me To Church

How Wasteful Is U.S. Defense Spending?

Bill Nye Talks Dogs

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Civil Forfeiture

Baristan says...

Here in Washington State:
"Grant County Sheriff Tom Jones announced plans to hold homeowners in the Larson Housing area accountable for crimes committed on the properties they own."

He doesn't say how he will hold home owners responsible for crimes committed on their property, but civil forfeiture is the only legal option I know of.

After the story was printed in the local paper people were upset, and he decided to clarify his statements.

He is only targeting "absentee private landlords" ie people who rent out their house but do not live in the city.

"I am clarifying this because I don’t want hardworking live-in homeowners in the Larson Community to think law enforcement will be holding them solely responsible for someone else's criminal actions which happen on their property."

Now that the locals think they are safe and only property owners from Seattle are being targeted, the story disappeared.

If you live in Grant County, please vote this guy out.

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