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Kids In The Hall - Good Fucking Ham

McCain finally doing the right thing.

Baera says...

>> ^Xax:
I didn't expect to see that. It's a nice gesture, but I don't expect this to be the beginning of a return to sanity and civility for McCain. I don't understand why the hell he would attempt to defend Obama after all the shit he's pulled lately.

"I don't trust Obama. I have read about him and he's an Arab."

Wow. I now understand a little better why McCain still has 40-45% of the vote... senility.

I've seen a number of clips now, in which people take something that fails the most simplest of logic and run with it. It's quite sad to see actually. As in this clip by sifted by dead_tufo:

McCain finally doing the right thing.

Baera says...

I feel sorry for McCain in that he does not have enough pull within his own campaign to control what we've been seeing lately out of his camp. I'm not voting for him, but I'll upvote his comments in this video. He's actually a decent man. He needs to reign in some of the people surrounding him, and put a stop to the environment at his rallies/speeches that fosters people yelling out hate speech.

- Also, I would like him to formally address the fact that somebody yelled out at one of his campaigns rallies to kill Obama. If this mob mentality continues to intensify, I will soon be genuinely be concerned for Obama.

Japanese game shows are so much better than ours

Fox News Finally Talking About Important Issues

World's First Double Arm Transplant Operation (Germany)

Scare Tactics - Vampire Biker Gang

Baera says...

I don't know how none of these "victims" they scare don't end up seriously hurting somebody. They make them think they are going to die. Fight or flight, ya know? She could have just as easily hopped into he driver seat and ran those guys over.

Speeding ticket, that's nothing. Watch what happens next!

Swedish news anchor has laughing fit

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The Biden-Palin Vice Presidential Debate in Ten Easy Minutes

Baera says...

>> ^CaptainPlanet420:
Ya'll should stop posting videos of the debate, as it just hurts your cause. We all know she clearly won the debate, and that she and McCain are the only right choice for our country in these tough times.

Who is "Ya'll" and who is "We all"?

Nearly unanimous vote for Obama = "split" on FOX

Bill O'Reilly as a Hamster

Sarah Palin - Hillary Clinton Skit on SNL

Robot Palin malfunctions under Charlie Gibson's fortitude

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